Union of Students (USUAA)

The Union of Students of the University of Alaska Anchorage (USUAA) is recognized by the University of Alaska Board of Regents as the governing body for students at UAA. The USUAA Spring 2024 Election on April 2 offers every student the chance to have a say in shaping the future of the University of Alaska Anchorage.

There are still vacant seats available in USUAA. If you would like to join before the summer session, you must complete a petition packet by Thursday, April 18 at 12 PM.

USUAA Petition Packet

Unoffical Election Results: TOTAL VOTER COUNT = 177


Election Details:

Voting Date: Tuesday, April 2
Voting Online: Seawolf Life
Candidate Information: The Northern Light Town Hall

Candidate Spotlight: Candidates included in the spotlight are those who submitted completed candidacy packets. Write-in options are included in the ballot. Write-in candidates must receive 5 votes.

If you have questions about the USUAA Spring 2024 election, please contact the Associate Director, Zac Clark, at (907) 786-1371.

You can participate in USUAA meetings inperson in the Lyla Richards conference room, virtually through zoom or watching the livestream via the USUAA Facebook page.

View UAA Master Student Calendar