Governance Groups
The Council is the centerpiece of UAA's IT governance structure. It is a Chancellor-appointed group whose nominees come from all parts of UAA's community. Explanation of Council inclusion and alignment with major community groups is described in University Technology Council Representation.
The Council is chaired by the CIO and one of the annually-appointed representatives. Monthly meetings are held during each academic year from September through May. Additional meetings and retreats typically occur throughout the year associated with major work on UAA's strategic technology plan or significant initiatives.
Each year, the Council establishes charges for itself and the Working Groups that it creates. Working Groups are extensions of the Council that are open to participation by all interested UAA faculty, staff and students. Working Groups permit the Council to more efficiently research and discuss significant technology issues. Currently, the Council supports the Computer Lab working group.
Learn more about the UTC and view agenda and meeting minutes on the UTC webpage.
The Academic Computing, Distance Learning, Instructional Technology, and eLearning (ACDLITe) Committee at UAA is a standing committee of the UAA Faculty Senate. ACDLITe serves to advise the Faculty Senate on matters related to the use and institutional support of technology in the pursuit of academic goals. The committee may initiate and review, represent the faculty to the Chancellor and to the Faculty Alliance and respond to requests from the Boards for Undergraduate Studies or Graduate Studies.
For more information about ACDLITe, please visit the ACDLITe website.
Information Technology Council (ITC)
The Information Technology Council (ITC) is a standing body within the University of Alaska created to establish IT policy and administrative and operational standards, to analyze and set priorities for investment in information technology initiatives, and to ensure excellence and best practice in implementation in a way that directly supports UA mission attainment. The ITC is responsible for defining level 2 and level 3 governance committees, establishing the procedures and standards by which they operate, and will be accountable for the work of those groups in accordance with policies, practices, and standards.
CIO Management Team (CMT)
The UA Statewide CIO Management Team (CMT) defines IT policies, standards, and communications; as well as creates basic standards for the UA technology core through intercampus collaboration. The purpose of the CMT is to analyze, streamline, and reduce the complexity of technology and communication systems utilized within the UA system. CMT also establishes and maintains a technology advancement structure that aligns with the business needs of the University System.