Archaeological survey of Training Area 22, Pōhakuloa Training Area
Pōhakuloa Archaeology
US Army Garrison - Hawaii
The Pōhakuloa Training Area occupies a high plateau in the center of Hawaii’s Big Island, on the grasslands below Mauna Loa. The area is the largest American military installation in the Pacific region, but is also home to several cultural and archaeological sites. To mitigate any impact from future trainings, the US Army contracted AERC to survey Training Area 22, a previously unstudied and remote section of Pōhakuloa. AERC managed labor, equipment, tools, transportation, and more to meet the military requests. Importantly, the contract also allowed for UAA faculty, alumni, grad students, and undergraduates to visit the worksite and participate directly in the archaeological survey.
Photo courtesy Eric Hamilton, US Army Garrison Pōhakuloa Training Area