Frank Moore

Ph.D. (8/97): Computer Science & Engineering;
MSCE (3/88), BSCE (3/86): Computer Engineering
Wright State University (WSU), Dayton, OH.
DISSERTATION: A Methodology for Strategy Optimization Under Uncertainty. I defined a methodology for using genetic programming to solve complex strategy optimization problems (including missile countermeasures optimization) under conditions of uncertainty.
MASTERS THESIS: A Dual-Processor Shared Memory System. I designed and implemented dual-port random-access memory boards and a dual-processor shared memory operating system kernel, and demonstrated the advantages of this system for solving classic multi-tasking problems.
Frank Moore has taught computer science and engineering for the past 15 years. He also has over six years of industry experience developing software for a wide range of military projects. His current research uses evolutionary computation to optimize transforms that outperform wavelets for lossy image compression and reconstruction. He has received over $750,000 in research funding and has published over 75 technical papers.Teaching Responsibilities
Fall 2012- CS A201 Programming Concepts I
- CS/EE 241 Computer Hardware Concepts
- CS A405 Artificial Intelligence
- CS A201 Programming Concepts II
- CS A407 Evolutionary Computing
Professional & Department Service
Editorship of Books, Journals, and Learned Publications
Books (3 books reviewed)
Journals (34 technical papers reviewed)
Conference Proceedings (156 technical papers reviewed)
Conference Activities
- General Chair, 2001 Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference.
- Workshop organizer (8 workshops)
- Special Session organizer (1 session)
- Program committee member (23 conferences)
- Technical session(s) chair (9 conferences)
Service to Public and Governmental Bodies
Research Interests
Applied Evolutionary Computation:- 2004-present: optimization of transforms that outperform wavelets for signal and image compression and reconstruction tasks subject to lossy conditions. Specific applications have included digital photographs, fingerprints, satellite images, medical images (e.g., ultrasound images and computed tomography scans), and images transmitted from Mars rovers.
- 2000-2004: radar cross section reduction of autonomous precision guided munitions via route planning and intelligent control.
- 1995-1999: a genetic programming methodology for missile countermeasures optimization under uncertainty.
Refereed journal articles (7 papers):
- Moore, F. and B. Babb 2006. Revolutionary Image Compression and Reconstruction via Evolutionary Computation, WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, 2(9): 1203-1208, WSEAS. Paper acceptance rate: 20%
- Moore F. and B. Babb 2006. Revolutionary Image Compression and Reconstruction via Evolutionary Computation, Part 2: Multiresolution Analysis Transforms, WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, 2(9): 1209-1214, WSEAS.Paper acceptance rate: 20%
- Moore, F. 2006. Evolved Multi-resolution Analysis Transforms for Optimized Image Compression and Reconstruction under Quantization, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 1(1): 97-104, WSEAS. Paper acceptance rate: 20%
- Yantachka, J., F. Moore, G. Kramer and M. Bohler 2003. An Improved Genetic Algorithm for Multiprocessor Task Scheduling with Non-Negligible Inter-processor Communication Delay, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 1(2): 266-273.
- Moore, F. 2002. Radar Cross Section Reduction via Route Planning and Intelligent Control, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 10(5): 696-700, IEEE. Paper acceptance rate: 25%
- Moore, F. 2002. A Methodology for Missile Countermeasures Optimization Under Uncertainty, Evolutionary Computation Journal, 10(2): 129-149, MIT Press. Paper acceptance rate: 25%
- Moore, F. and O. Garcia 1998. A Genetic Programming Methodology for Missile Countermeasures Optimization Under Uncertainty, Evolutionary Programming VII: Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 1447: 367-376, Springer-Verlag.
Invited Technical Papers Published in Trade Magazines (2 papers):
- Moore, F., B. Babb, M. Peterson, and G. Lamont 2009. Evolved Transforms Improve Image Compression, SPIE Newsroom, SPIE Newsroom E-Alert: Electronic Imaging & Signal Processing, Feb. 10, 2009.
- Moore, F. and P. Marshall 2005. Evolving Next Generation Signal Compression and Reconstruction Transforms via Genetic Algorithms, AFRL Horizons, August 2005.
Peer-Reviewed Technical Papers Accepted for Publication in International Conference Proceedings (42 papers):
- Moore, F. and B. Babb 2012. Evolved Multiresolution Analysis Transforms Improve Lossy Compression of Mars Images, Proceedings of the 2012 IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, Honolulu, HI, 8/20-22, 2012, IASTED/Acta Press.
- Babb, B., F. Moore, S. Aldridge and M. Peterson 2012. State-of-the-art Lossy Compression of Martian Images via the CMA-ES Evolution Strategy, Proceedings of the 2012 IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, Burlingame, CA, 1/22-26, 2012, SPIE.
- Moore, F., B. Babb, S. Aldridge and M. Peterson 2011. Evolving Matched Forward and Inverse Transforms for Improved Lossy Compression of Images from Mars,Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Anchorage, AK, 10/9-12, 2011, IEEE.
- Miller, C., F. Moore, B. Babb and M. Peterson 2011. Improved Reconstruction of Quantized CT Scans via Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2011), New Orleans, LA, 6/5-8, 2011, IEEE.
- Aldridge, S., F. Moore, B. Babb and M. Peterson 2011. Improved Reconstruction of Deep Space Images via Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2011), New Orleans, LA, 6/5-8, 2011, IEEE.
- Babb, B., F. Moore, S. Aldridge and M. Peterson 2011. Evolving Wavelet and Scaling Numbers for Optimized Image Compression: Forward, Inverse, or Both? A Comparative Study, Evolutionary and Bio-Inspired Computation: Theory and Applications V, SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando, FL,Proceedings of SPIE, 4/25-29, 2011, SPIE.
- Miller, C., B. Babb, F. Moore and M. Peterson 2011. Evolving Improved Transforms for Reconstruction of Quantized Ultrasound Images, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2011), Kona, HI, January 5-7, 2011, IEEE.
- Peterson, M.,S. Aldridge, B. Herzog, andF. Moore 2010. Two Satellite Image Sets for the Training and Validation of Image Processing Systems for Defense Applications,Evolutionary and Bio-Inspired Computation: Theory and Applications IV, SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando, FL, Proceedings of SPIE 7704, 4/5-9, 2010, SPIE.
- Aldridge, S., B. Babb, F. Moore and M. Peterson 2010. Evolved image compression transforms. Evolutionary and Bio-Inspired Computation: Theory and Applications IV,SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando, Florida, Proceedings of SPIE 7704, 4/5-9, 2010, SPIE.
- Babb, B., F. Moore and M. Peterson 2009. Improved Multiresolution Analysis Transforms for Satellite Image Compression and Reconstruction using Evolution Strategies, Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO’2009), Montreal, QC, Canada, 7/8-12, 2009, ACM Press.
- Peterson, M., G. Lamont and F. Moore 2009. The Role of Wavelet Coefficients in Fitness Landscapes of Image Transforms for Defense Applications, Evolutionary and Bio-Inspired Computation: Theory and Applications III, SPIE International Defense and Security Symposium (DSS’2009), Proceedings of SPIE, Orlando, FL, 4/13-17, 2009, SPIE.
- Babb, B., F. Moore and M. Peterson 2009. Optimized Satellite Image Compression and Reconstruction via Evolution Strategies, Evolutionary and Bio-Inspired Computation: Theory and Applications III, SPIE International Defense and Security Symposium (DSS’2009), Proceedings of SPIE, Orlando, FL, 4/13-17, 2009, SPIE.
- Babb, B., F. Moore, M. Peterson and G. Lamont 2008. Improved Satellite Image Compression and Reconstruction via Genetic Algorithms, Electro-Optical Remote Sensing, Photonic Technologies, and Applications II, SPIE Symposium on Optics/Photonics in Security & Defence, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 9/15-18, 2008, SPIE.
- Babb, B., F. Moore, M. Peterson and G. Lamont 2008. Evolving Better Satellite Image Compression and Reconstruction Transforms, Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO’2008), Atlanta, GA, 7/12-16, 2008, ACM Press.
- Moore, F. and B. Babb 2008.A Differential Evolution Algorithm for Optimizing Signal Compression and Reconstruction Transforms, Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO’2008), Atlanta, GA, 7/12-16, 2008, ACM Press.
- Babb, B. and F. Moore 2007. The Best Fingerprint Compression Standard Yet, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 10/7-10, 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, IEEE.
- Peterson, M., G. Lamont, F. Moore and B. Babb 2007. Variation Operator Performance for Evolved Image Reconstruction Transforms, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 10/7-10, 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, IEEE.
- Peterson, M., G. Lamont and F. Moore 2007. A Satellite Image Set for the Evolution of Image Transforms for Defense Applications, Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO’2007), London, UK, 7/7-11, 2007, ACM Press.
- Peterson, M., G. Lamont and F. Moore 2007. Evolving Military-Grade Image Transforms Using State-of-the-Art Variation Operators, Evolutionary and Bio-Inspired Computation: Theory and Applications, SPIE International Defense and Security Symposium (DSS’2007), Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6563, S6: pp. 1-12, Orlando, FL, 4/9-13, 2007, SPIE.
- Babb, B., F. Moore and P. Marshall 2007. Evolved Multiresolution Analysis Transforms for Improved Image Compression and Reconstruction under Quantization, Proceedings, 2007 Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Image and Signal Processing, IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence 2007, Honolulu, HI, 4/1-5, 2007, IEEE.
- Babb, B., F. Moore and M. Peterson 2007. Evolved Transforms Beat the FBI Wavelet for Improved Fingerprint Compression and Reconstruction, Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing (SIP’2007), Dallas, TX, 3/22-24, 2007.
- Peterson, M., G. Lamont and F. Moore 2006. Improved Evolutionary Search for Image Reconstruction Transforms, Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2006), pp. 2880-2887, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 7/16-21, 2006, IEEE Press.
- Peterson, M., G. Lamont and F. Moore 2006. Evaluating Mutation Operators for Evolved Image Reconstruction Transforms, Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO’2006), 7/8-12, 2006, Seattle, WA.
- Hourani, M., M. Ozden, P. Maynard-Zhang and F. Moore 2006. Applying Genetic Algorithms to Queuing Network Design, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Electrical Systems (ICES’06), Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria, 5/8-10, 2006.
- Moore, F. 2006. Evolved Transforms for Signal Compression and Reconstruction,Modeling and Simulation for Military Applications, SPIE International Defense and Security Symposium (DSS’2006), Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6228, pp. 0T1-0T15, Kissimmee, FL, 4/18-21, 2006, SPIE. Invited paper.
- Moore, F. 2005. A Genetic Algorithm for Evolving Multi-resolution Analysis Transforms, Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Multirate Systems (WAMUS 2005), Sofia, Bulgaria, 10/27-29, 2005.
- Moore, F. 2005. A Genetic Algorithm for Optimized Reconstruction of Quantized Signals, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2005),Edinburgh, Scotland, 9/2-5, 2005, Vol. 1, pp. 105-111, IEEE Press.
- Moore, F., P. Marshall and E. Balster 2005. Evolved Transforms for Image Reconstruction, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation(CEC 2005),Edinburgh, Scotland, 9/2-5, 2005, Vol. 3, pp. 2310-2316, IEEE Press.
- Babb, B., S. Becke and F. Moore 2005. Evolving Optimized Matched Forward and Inverse Transform Pairs via Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings of the IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2005), Cincinnati, OH, 8/7-10, 2005, IEEE.
- Moore, F., P. Marshall, G. Lamont and M. Peterson 2005. Evolving Next Generation Signal Compression and Reconstruction Transforms via Genetic Algorithms, 2ndWorkshop on Military and Security Applications of Evolutionary Computation, 2005 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Washington, DC, 6/25/2005, pp. 190-192, ACM.
- Moore, F. 2005. A Genetic Algorithm for Optimized Reconstruction of Quantized One-dimensional Signals, Proceedings, 2005 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Washington, DC, 6/25-6/29, 2005, pp. 1599-1600, ACM.
- Hendershot, Z. and F. Moore 2004. MultiDE: A Simple, Powerful Differential Evolution Algorithm for Finding Multiple Global Optima, Proceedings of the 17th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS’2004), Miami Beach, FL, 5/17-5/19/2004, AAAI Press.
- Moore, F. 2002. A Methodology for Reducing the Observed Radar Cross Section of Autonomous Precision Guided Munitions, ICAIS 2002: Proceedings of the First International ICSC Congress on Autonomous Intelligent Systems, Deakin University, Waterfront Campus, Geelong, Australia, 2/12-15, 2002, ISBN # 3-906454-30-4.
- Rumpler, J. and F. Moore 2001. Automatic Selection of Sub-populations and Minimal Spanning Distances for Improved Numerical Optimization, Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC2001, May 27-31, 2001, COEX Center, Seoul, Korea, 1: 38-43, IEEE.
- Moore, F. and R. Murphey 2000. Intelligent Control of Autonomous Precision Guided Munitions Trajectory for Radar Cross Section Minimization, Proceedings of the AIAA Missile Sciences Conference, 7-9 November 2000, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA.
- Bohler, M., F. Moore and Y. Pan 1999. Improved Multiprocessor Task Scheduling Using Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings of the 12th International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-99), Orlando, FL, 5/1-5/5/1999.
- Moore, F. 1998. Genetic Programming Solves the Three-dimensional Missile Countermeasures Optimization Problem Under Uncertainty, Genetic Programming 1998: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference, 7/22-25, 1998, University of Wisconsin, Madison, pp. 242-245, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.
- Buckley, J. and F. Moore 1998. AMI: The Automated Maintenance Instructions System, Proceedings of the 11th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-98), Sanibel Island, FL, 5/18-20, 1998, pp. 34-38, AAAI Press.
- Moore, F. and O. Garcia 1997. A New Methodology for Optimizing Evasive Maneuvers Under Uncertainty in the Extended Two-Dimensional Pursuer/Evader Problem,Proceedings, Ninth International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (TAI’97), 11/3-8, 1997, Newport Beach, CA, pp. 278-285, IEEE.
- Moore, F. and O. Garcia 1997. A Genetic Programming Approach to Strategy Optimization in the Extended Two-Dimensional Pursuer/Evader Problem, Genetic Programming 1997: Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference, 7/13-16, 1997, Stanford University, pp. 249-254, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.
- Moore, F. 1997. A Genetic Programming Methodology for Strategy Optimization Under Uncertainty, Late Breaking Papers at the Genetic Programming 1997 Conference, Stanford University, 7/13-16, 1997, p. 294, Stanford University Bookstore. Poster paper presented at the Graduate Student Workshop.
- Toms, M., J. Cavallaro, S. Cone, F. Moore, O. Garcia and A. Gonzalez-Garcia 1996. Pilot-in-the-Loop Evaluation of the Approach Procedures Expert System (APES),Proceedings, Third Annual Symposium on Human Interaction with Complex Systems (HICS’96), Dayton, Ohio, 8/25-28, 1996, pp. 54-61, IEEE Computer Society Press.
Technical Papers Accepted for Publication at National or Regional Conferences (13 papers):
- Hourani, M., M. Ozden, F. Moore, and P. Maynard-Zhang 2004. Genetic Algorithm Application to Gene Clustering Problems, Proceedings, Fifteenth Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference, April 17-18, 2004, Schaumberg, IL.
- Moore, F. 2003. An Iterative Improvement Algorithm for Radar Cross Section Reduction, Proceedings, Fourteenth Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference, April 12-13, 2003, Cincinnati, OH, pp. 115-119, Omnipress.
- Yantachka, J., F. Moore, G. Kramer, M. Bohler and Y. Pan (UD) 2003. An Improved Genetic Algorithm for Multiprocessor Task Scheduling with Non-Negligible Inter-processor Communication Delay, Proceedings, Fourteenth Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference, April 12-13, 2003, Cincinnati, OH, pp. 165-172, Omnipress.
- Moore, F. 2000. Low-Observable Ingress Behavior for Autonomous Precision Guided Munitions, Part 2: Minimization of Radar Cross Section through Control of Yaw. Accepted for publication at NAECON-2000 (the National Aerospace and Electronics Conference), 10/10-12, 2000, Sinclair Community College, Dayton, OH.
- Moore, F. 2000. Low-Observable Ingress Behavior for Autonomous Precision Guided Munitions. Accepted for publication at NAECON-2000 (the National Aerospace and Electronics Conference), 10/10-12, 2000, Sinclair Community College, Dayton, OH.
- Parks, D., R. K. Vail, E. Harpel and F. Moore 2000. The Evolution of General Intelligent Behavior, Proceedings, Eleventh Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference, April 14-16, 2000, Fayetteville, AR, pp. 42-46, AAAI Press.
- Kramer, G. and F. Moore 2000. A Genetic Algorithm-Based Task Scheduler for Parallel Processor Systems with Non-negligible Inter-processor Delay, Proceedings, Eleventh Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference, April 14-16, 2000, Fayetteville, AR, pp. 57-61, AAAI Press.
- Bohler, M., F. Moore and Y. Pan 1999. Multiprocessor Task Scheduling Using Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings, Tenth Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference (MAICS-99), Bloomington, IN, 4/23-25, 1999.
- Rigling, B. and F. Moore 1999. Exploitation of Sub-populations in Evolution Strategies for Improved Numerical Optimization, Proceedings, Tenth Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference (MAICS-99), Bloomington, IN, 4/23-25, 1999, pp 80-88, AAAI Press.
- Moore, F. 1998. Improving Means and Variances of Best-of-Run Programs in Genetic Programming, MAICS-98: Proceedings, Ninth Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference, Dayton, Ohio, 3/20-22, 1998, pp. 95-101, AAAI Press.
- Moore, F. and O. Garcia 1997. A Methodology for Strategy Optimization Under Uncertainty in the Extended Two-Dimensional Pursuer/Evader Problem, MAICS-97: Proceedings, Eighth Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference, AAAI Technical&
Career History/Work Experience
Full-Time Academic Experience
PROFESSOR, UAA, Anchorage, AK (8/14-present)
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, UAA, Anchorage, AK (7/08-7/14).
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, UAA, Anchorage, AK (8/04-6/08).
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Miami University (MU), Oxford, OH (8/98-5/04).
VISITING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, University of Dayton (UD), OH (8/97-8/98).
INSTRUCTOR, WSU (9/87-8/89).
Additional Professional Experience
SENIOR SYSTEMS ENGINEER, Sumaria Systems, Inc. (7/93-8/95). I determined a methodology for weapons systems requirements specification, traceability, and analysis in support of the RAPID-WS program at the Armstrong Laboratory Human Systems Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB), OH. I also provided software support for the Electronic Commerce Resource Center (ECRC) in Dayton, OH.
MTS II, Veda Inc. (1/92-3/93). I developed, modified, and maintained numerous software models for simulation, task decomposition, human factors assessment, and subjective workload analysis in support of the Crew-Centered Cockpit Design (CCCD) program at the Armstrong Laboratory Human Engineering Division, WPAFB, OH. The CCCD program provided a test bench used to identify improvements in aircraft cockpit design that reduce overall pilot workload.
MTS I, TRW Inc. (9/89-1/92). I developed, modified, and maintained numerous software models in support of the Avionics Integration Support Technology (AIST) and Integrated Test Bed (ITB) programs at the Avionics Laboratory, WPAFB, OH. These programs provided distributed real-time simulated test environments supporting the integration of various avionics models into high-performance aircraft.