Evaluation, Data, and Reports
The Alaska AHEC’s mission is to increase the number of highly skilled, knowledgeable, culturally attuned, and diverse providers in Alaska’s health workforce. All our program activities-- K-12 Pipeline, AHEC Scholars, Continuing Education, etc.-- are in service of that purpose. In order to measure progress toward that goal, data is collected on an ongoing basis, and used to implement a Rapid Cycle Quality Improvement process. Primary methods of evaluation include electronic surveys, paper surveys, and long-term tracking of student success and placement (quantified by graduation rates, employment in healthcare, and rates of students staying in Alaska). These instruments correlate participant feedback to each activity’s intended outcomes. If you have specific questions about AHEC evaluation or programmatic data, feel free to contact Lauren Stredny (lsstredny@alaska.edu).
The AHEC's data team also contracts with the Alaska SHARP program to support DHSS with data management and technical support. SHARP is the state's direct incentive and loan repayment program for health professionals, with the goal of improving the recruitment, retention and distribution of health professionals across the state. Eligible healthcare workers and their employers are able to enroll in SHARP programs so that employees can receive student loan repayment and/or direct incentive dollars. In addition to supporting SHARP with technical capacity, a goal of the partnership is for SHARP to play a role in the end of the "pipeline" journey of our students. Individuals interested in SHARP opportunities should refer to the DHSS site.
Below, feel free to explore the AHEC and Center for Rural Health's reports.
2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001 - 2000 - 1999 - 1998 - 1997 - 1996
- 2016 Alaska AHEC Program Annual Report
- Alaska Health Care Workforce Profile: Report and Appendices
- Alaska Health Care Workforce Profile: Report Only
- Alaska Health Care Workforce Profile: Appendices Only
- Alaska Nursing (Presentation to the Nursing Program Stakeholder Meeting)
- University of Alaska Behavioral Health Workforce Summit, Oct. 25, 2016
- 2012 Alaska AHEC Program Annual Report
- 2012 Alaska Health Workforce Vacancy Study
- University of Alaska Health Programs Report 2001-2011: A Decade of Growth
- 2011 Alaska AHEC Program Annual Report
- Alaska Health Workforce Coalition Action Agenda 2012-2015
- Continuing Education Needs Assessment
- Alaska Economic Trends: Healthcare Industry
- Alaska Health Workforce Plan
- Frontier Extended Stay Clinic
- Needs Assessment and Analysis of Potential Strategies for a Pharmacy Educational Program for Alaska
- 2009 Alaska Health Workforce Vacancy Study
- Assessment of University of Alaska Health Distance-Delivered Programs: Submitted to Expanding Access to Health Programs Project (EAHP)
- 2007 Alaska Health Workforce Vacancy Study
- University of Alaska Statewide Academic Plan for Health Programs
- Alaska Behavioral Health Careers Program (Raven's Quest Summer Institute)
- Status of Recruitment Resources and Strategies (SORRAS): A Study of Recruitment Costs and Strategies for Several Provider Types in Alaska Rural Hospitals, Clinics and Mental Health Centers
- Community Health Aide Program (CHAP) Study
- Dietary Risks and Benefits in Two Alaskan Villages
- Health Plan for Alaska
- Centers of Excellence Study
- A Study of Alaska Health Care Referral Systems and Networks
- University/Industry Alaskan Nursing Education Task Force Final Report
- Alaska's Allied Health Workforce: A Statewide Assessment
- History of Health Care in Alaska
- Needs Assessment for Elderly Housing in Yukon-Koyukuk Sub-Region
- Petersburg Community Health Needs Assessment
- Wesley Rehabilitation and Care Center (WRCC): Long Term Care Community Needs Assessment
- Wrangell Community Health Needs Assessment
- Wrangell Senior Services Assessment
- Alaska Federal Health Care Access Network (AFHCAN): A Telehealth Project of the Federal Health Care Partnership
- Alaska Physician Workforce Study
- Rural Hospital Flexibility Program Evaluation Plan
- Rural Long Term Care Health Workforce Workshop
- Alaska Natives Combating Substance Abuse and Related Violence through Self Healing: A Report for the People
- TCC Fairbanks Community Health Needs Assessment
- TCC Regional Community Health Needs Assessment
Annual Reports
- Alaska AHEC Program Annual Report (2022)
- Alaska AHEC Program Annual Report (2021)
- Alaska AHEC Program Annual Report (2020)
- Alaska AHEC Program Annual Report (2019)
- Alaska AHEC Program Annual Report (2018)
- Alaska AHEC Program Annual Report (2017)
- Alaska AHEC Program Annual Report (2016)
- Alaska AHEC Program Annual Report (2015)
- Alaska AHEC Program Annual Report (2014)
- Alaska AHEC Program Annual Report (2012)
- Alaska AHEC Program Annual Report (2011)
Community Health Needs Assessments
- Needs Assessment for Elderly Housing in Yukon-Koyukuk Sub-Region (2001)
- Petersburg Community Health Needs Assessment (2001)
- Wesley Rehabilitation and Care Center (WRCC): Long Term Care Community Needs Assessment (2001)
- Wrangell Community Health Needs Assessment (2001)
- Wrangell Senior Services Assessment (2001)
- TCC Fairbanks Community Health Needs Assessment (1999)
- TCC Regional Community Health Needs Assessment (1999)
- CATG Community Health Needs Assessment (1998)
- Community Health Needs Assessment of Ten Alaskan Villages (1996)
- Kodiak Area Native Association Community Health Survey (1996)
- Maniilaq Community Health Survey (1996)
Health and Biomedical Research
- Alaska Health Care Workforce Profile: Report and Appendices (2016)
- Alaska Health Care Workforce Profile: Report Only (2016)
- Alaska Health Care Workforce Profile: Appendices Only (2016)
- Dietary Risks and Benefits in Two Alaskan Villages (2004)
- Health Plan for Alaska (2004)
- Alaska Natives Combating Substance Abuse and Related Violence through Self Healing: A Report for the People (1999)
Health Workforce Reports
- Alaska Nursing (Presentation to the Nursing Program Stakeholder Meeting) (2016)
- Alaska Health Workforce Vacancy Study (2012)
- Alaska Health Workforce Coalition Action Agenda 2017-2021 (2017)
- Alaska Health Workforce Coalition Action Agenda 2012-2015 (2011)
- Alaska Economic Trends: Healthcare Industry (2010)
- Alaska Health Workforce Plan (2010)
- Needs Assessment and Analysis of Potential Strategies for a Pharmacy Educational Program for Alaska (2010)
- Alaska Health Workforce Vacancy Study (2009)
- Assessment of University of Alaska Health Distance-Delivered Programs: Submitted to Expanding Access to Health Programs Project (EAHP) (2009)
- Alaska Health Workforce Vacancy Study (2007)
- Status of Recruitment Resources and Strategies (SORRAS): A Study of Recruitment Costs and Strategies for Several Provider Types in Alaska Rural Hospitals, Clinics and Mental Health Centers (2006)
- Community Health Aide Program (CHAP) Study (2004)
- Alaska's Allied Health Workforce: A Statewide Assessment (2001)
- Alaska Physician Workforce Study (2000)
- Rural Long Term Care Health Workforce Workshop (2000)
Student Outreach
- Telepsychiatry Evaluation Project (2003)
- Alaska Federal Health Care Access Network (AFHCAN): A Telehealth Project of the Federal Health Care Partnership (2000)
- ACRH-HW Health Equity Analysis (2023)
- University of Alaska Behavioral Health Workforce Summit, Oct. 25, 2016 (2016)
- University of Alaska Health Programs Report 2001-2011: A Decade of Growth (2012)
- Clinical Simulation in Alaska (2008)
- University of Alaska Statewide Academic Plan for Health Programs (2007)
- FAS/FAE Curriculum Evaluation (2003)
- Centers of Excellence Study (2002)
- A Study of Alaska Health Care Referral Systems and Networks (2002)
- University/Industry Alaskan Nursing Education Task Force Final Report (2002)
- History of Health Care in Alaska (2001)
- Rural Hospital Flexibility Program Evaluation Plan (2000)