Strengthening Healthcare Access Recruitment Program (SHARP)

Alaska's Strengthening Healthcare Access Recruitment Program (SHARP) is our statewide support-for-service effort to improve the recruitment, retention, and distribution of healthcare professionals through student loan repayment and direct incentives. SHARP is a public-private partnership working to support healthcare practitioners in medical, dental, and behavioral health disciplines. For more information click here


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Contracts in this category provide education loan repayment for licensed practitioners providing 80% direct patient care services at a primary care setting located in a federally designated Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA). Qualifying organizations consist of non-profit and governmental organizations.

SHARP-1 is funded partially by a Federal State Loan Repayment Grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA H56HP46808 9/1/22-8/31/25) and required matching organization funds. Contracts require a 2-year service obligation.

To learn more about SHARP-1 read the HRSA Clinician Eligibility and Application Requirements and the HRSA State Loan Repayment Program Service Requirements for Clinician Awardees.


Contracts in this category provide both education loan repayment and direct incentive payments for licensed practitioners and other healthcare disciplines. Tier-1 and Tier-2 contracts require 50% direct patient care services at a primary care setting located in a Healthcare Services Shortage Area. Tier-3 option provides a broader range of practitioner occupations and does not require direct patient care services. Qualifying organizations consist of non-profit, for-profit, governmental agencies, public universities, and Alaska School Districts.

SHARP-3 is 100% funded by the employer, but the employer payment may come from any available source, including a philanthropic institution, health foundation, government agency, community organization, or private individual. Employers are utilizing grant funding, personnel vacancy savings from their existing budgets, contributions, and any available resources. Contracts require a 3-year service obligation.

To learn more about SHARP-3 read the Health Care Professionals Workforce Enhancement Program in Alaska Statute 18.29 and companion regulations 7 ACC 24.



SHARP Program staff: