Rei ShimizuPh.D., LMSW

School of Social Work
PSB 222C
Wednesdays 2:15 to 3:15 PM; and Thursdays 4:00 to 5:00 PM
- 2010: BA, Bryn Mawr College, 2010
- 2012: MSW, Columbia University, School of Social Work
- 2021: PhD, New York University, Silver School of Social Work
Rei Shimizu is an Assistant Professor at the University of Alaska Anchorage School of Social Work. She is a licensed social worker with a clinical background in trauma-focused therapy for survivors of IPV in the United States and Japan. As a social work researcher, she applies her clinical expertise to inform her research on health behavior change and health-related decision-making. Her research primarily focuses on understanding behavioral mechanisms in three topical areas where behaviors are highly variable by psychosocial factors such as poverty, mental health, and interpersonal dynamics. Rei's three topical research areas are (1) understanding how DV/IPV interventions and frameworks (such as restorative justice) can change interpersonal behavior, (2) understanding how dietary interventions can influence food-related decision-making, and (3) understanding how intersections between macro/micro and individual level factors may create disparities in these areas. Rei holds a Ph.D. from New York University Silver School of Social Work and an MSW from Columbia University.
Teaching Responsibilities
- Writing for Social Work Practice
- Advanced Practice with Individuals
- Social Welfare: Policies and Issues
Research Interests
- Social determinants of health related to dietary quality.
- Health disparities (dietary disparities) and health equity (food equity)
- Food-related decision-making
- Young adulthood
- Intervention research methods
- Restorative justice approaches
Shimizu, R., Rodwin, A.H., & Munson, M.R. (2021) A systematic review of psychosocial nutrition intervention on improving dietary intake in young adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 53(4), 316-335.
Shimizu, R. (2020) Who deserves to eat well? An analysis of equality and efficiency in U.S. food assistance policy. Journal of Poverty, 24(5-6), 451-472.
Barocas, B., Avieli, H & Shimizu, R. (2020) Restorative justice approaches to intimate partner violence: A review of interventions. Partner Abuse. Advance online publication.
Munson, M. R., Jaccard, J. J., Scott Jr, L., Narendorf, S.C., Moore, K. L., Jenefsky, N., Cole, A., Davis, M., Gilmer, T., Shimizu, R., Pleines, K., Cooper, K., Rodwin, A.H., Hylek,L., Amaro, A. (2020). Engagement intervention versus treatment as usual for young adults with serious mental illness: A randomized pilot trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 6, 107.
Shimizu, R. & Munson, M.R. (2019) A systematic review of psychosocial nutrition intervention on improving dietary intake in young adults: Protocol Number CRD42019134992. PROSPERO.
Barocas, B., Shimizu, R., Cipollina, J.E., Murakami, N.J., Cotner, M.A., Park, Y., Yang, S., Gajic, M., & Noll, N. (2019) Group work in research: creating a research family. Social Work with Groups, 43(1-2), 172-179.
Shimizu, R. (2018) Book Review: Living a feminist life. Affilia, 34(1), 133-134.
Barocas, B. & Shimizu, R. (in press, TBP 2021) Restorative Justice. In Russell, B. & Hamel, J. (Eds.), Intimate partner violence beyond the gender paradigm: A criminal justice perspective. Oxford University Press.
Shibusawa, T. & Shimizu, R. (2019) America no social to sono naitetachi [Social work in America – it’s leaders and primary providers.] In Sekai no shakaifukushi [Global Social Welfare]. (pp.85-99) Tokyo, Japan: Junposha.
Shimizu, R. (2014, August) Hontouni manzokudo ga takai oshigoto ranking, ni-I shinri counselor [Most rewarding jobs ranked, No. 2. Counselor/therapist], Keiko to Manabu [Keiko and Manabu]