College of Health News

Carrie Doyle, James Reineke, and Karen Turner Read More

Looking down the road

 |  Matt Jardin  |  , ,

How integral is Providence to Alaska? Not only does the hospital make up the second half of the namesake UMED District, but the organization is the largest non-government employer in the state, naturally resulting in the employment of a large number of UAA nursing and surgical technology alumni.

Carrie Doyle, James Reineke, and Karen Turner Read More

Looking down the road

 |  Matt Jardin  |  ,

How integral is Providence to Alaska? Not only does the hospital make up the second half of the namesake UMED District, but the organization is the largest non-government employer in the state, naturally resulting in the employment of a large number of UAA nursing and surgical technology alumni.

UAA dental student working on a patient in the dental clinic Read More

UAA dental students offer clinic to gain real world experience

 |  Alaska's News Source  |  , ,

Students practice applying pressure during a “Stop the Bleed” course. Read More

Want to learn how to be a nurse? There’s a summer camp for that.

 |  Catalina Myers  |  , ,

Teens ages 16-19 from all over the state gathered for three days of hands-on activities and exploration to experience what a potential career in nursing or health care could be like during nursing camp.

Nursing students at the Student Health and Counseling Center Read More

Students find care and careers at Health and Counseling Center

 |  joey  |  ,

The Student Health and Counseling Center has accepted hundreds of student interns from the College of Health; many full-time staff even started as interns themselves. Here, this semester's students share their thoughts on the value of interning in UAA's student-focused, student-funded health center.