NRC-ANE | College of Health


National Resource Center FOR Alaska Native Elders 

The overarching goal for the NRC-ANE is to advance relevant knowledge and research for the wellbeing of Indigenous Elders through the creation and dissemination of products that inform caregiving, community support for active and healthy aging, and strengthening traditional ways that support positive aging. We aim to provide culturally-appropriate resources and other materials of relevance to Title VI programs and tribal communities, with the support of key community partnerships.


Resources for Individuals & Families
Resources for Professionals & Staff


NEWS & Stories

  • UAA faculty sitting at booth

    UAA Hosts 'Be the Match' Drive to Boost Bone Marrow Donor Registry

     |  Anja Burnett  | 

    The College of Health hosted a Be The Match Drive to get more potential bone marrow donors signed up to help some Alaskans in need of treatment.

  • UAA Anchorage outside Library in the Summer

    Fighting Crime By Design

     |  Vanessa Orr  |  , ,

    UAA Justice Center Professor, Sharon Chamard provides expertise on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), emphasizing the importance of design elements like natural surveillance, access control, and maintenance in creating safer communities.

  • Jennifer Spencer smiling

    Hidden Homelessness

     |  Rachel Musselwhite for True North Magazine  |  , , , ,

    The UAA Hunger and Homelessness Support Network (HHSN) was created to identify and combat housing insecurities that students face. UAA Alumni and current Academic Advisor Jennifer Spencer is one of the three people serving as HHSN Chair. She explains how she uses her personal experiences with homelessness to help find solutions for students.

  • sitka, AK bridge

    Bridging Community Connections Through Healthcare Education and Training

     |  Sarah Rasmussen-Rehkopf  |  , ,

    Alaska AHEC Scholar's article about improving Alaska's communities through healthcare.

  • student in Nulato wears sling he made

    Alaska's AHEC: Healthcare Exploration in Nulato

     |  Jessica Degnan  |  ,

    Alaska’s Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) are dedicated to providing engaging curriculum and activities for students interested in healthcare. Middle and high school students from Nulato, AK participated in activities focusing on the cardiovascular system, blood pressure, and basic emergency first aid.


division of population health sciences

Upcoming Events


Contact Us:
Phone: (907) 264-6240



UAA Center for Human Development 
2702 Gambell Street, Suite 103
Anchorage, AK 99503


Mailing Address:
UAA Center for Human Development
c/o UAA Mailroom
3211 Providence Dr.
Anchorage, AK 99508

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