Faculty Help and Consultations
Sign up for a course design appointment (Zoom or phone)
Select an appointment time on our faculty assistance calendar (button below). Use the appointment's Zoom link to join at the scheduled time or put your phone number in the appointment description if you would prefer to talk by phone. For assistance outside the available appointment times, please email uaa_design@alaska.edu to discuss your options.
If you need further assistance with Blackboard functions (including course copies,
developmental shells, editing and publishing courses, and troubleshooting) or other
UAA core tools, please contact IT Services. Kenai Peninsula College instructors should start with the KPC Educational Technology Team. You can also check for campus and college-specific assistance on the UAA Instructional Designers page.
Faculty Assistance
Contact CAFE (uaa_cafe@alaska.edu or 907-786-4644) for assistance with:
- Workshops schedules, registration, and access
- Faculty Learning Community schedules and registration
- General teaching questions
- Classroom management
- Sensitive course discussions
- Professional development resources
- eWolf ePortfolio questions
Contact the Instructional Design team (uaa_design@alaska.edu or call 907-786-6219) for assistance with:
- Course design
- Using learning technologies to meet course goals
- Meeting course accessibility requirements
- Inclusive online teaching strategies
- Honorlock remote test proctoring
- Blackboard troubleshooting
Contact CCEL (uaa.ccel@alaska.edu or 907-786-4062) for assistance with:
- Community Engaged and service learning courses
- Community partnerships
- Community Engaged Student Assistants for community partnerships and research projects
- Professional development opportunities in Community Engaged Learning
Contact Faculty Services Director Marian Bruce (mkbruce@alaska.edu or 907-786-1063) for assistance with:
- Promotion and tenure questions
- Course evaluations
- Faculty development and travel grants
- Sabbatical leave
Faculty Development & Instructional Support
Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence, Instructional Design, and Center for Community
Engagement & Learning
Library 213 • 907-786-4496 • uaa_facultysuccess@alaska.edu • Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.