Teaching Academy

The Teaching Academy provides faculty development and instructional support opportunities. It is held twice a year, in August (Fall Teaching Academy) and January (Winter Teaching Academy), before classes start. Sessions are led by faculty and staff colleagues, experts working in faculty development and instructional design, and institutional leaders.

The Teaching Academy is open to all full- and part-time faculty, postdocs, and interested GTAs at all of the UAA campuses. Programming focuses on evidence-based teaching and learning strategies, key institutional issues and initiatives in student support, effective use of academic technologies, equitable and inclusive teaching, and much more. The sessions will be held on Zoom, except for the orientation to main campus classroom technologies. Don't miss the opportunity to learn from and with others while you build your collegial network!

Recordings and materials from past sessions are available in a Teaching Academy self-enrolling Blackboard course (UA only).

Past Teaching Academy Recordings

Faculty Success
Library 213 • 907-786-4496 • uaa_facultysuccess@alaska.edu • Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.