ALEKS Placement Exam for Mathematics & Statistics

ALEKS is an online placement exam used to assess your skills in Mathematics and Statistics. Students who take courses at the levels indicated by their ALEKS placement scores are more likely to succeed in their courses. The ALEKS placement exam is free to all UAA students.

Note: For a screen reader friendly version of the ALEKS exam, contact Disability Support Services.

Learn more about ALEKS and take the exam today!

How to use this score chart

The ALEKS score charts are categorized below by the math requirements from various degree programs at UAA. Students should meet with their Academic Advisors to determine which math course requirements are needed for their degrees. ALEKS score ranges are given with their respective math and statistics course placement.



For courses MATH A155 and below contact:

Department of Quantitative Studies
Ph: (907) 786-6856

For 200 level math and above contact:

Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Ph: (907) 786-1298