UAA sociology professor, Sharon Araji, featured in national media for child sex abuse study

by Kathleen McCoy  |   

Dr. Sharon Araji, a sociology professor at UAA, was recently cited in The Associated Press, CBS News, The New York Times, Yahoo, CNN and other media outlets for her work relating to sex abuse among children.  Sharon addresses this serious problem in her book Sexually Aggressive Children, and thinks the number of child-on-child sex crimes is higher than statistics indicate.

In an article by The Associated Press, Araji states, "The whole society is not yet up on this problem.  "These kids, on the extreme end, if nothing is done to catch them, they're going to become our adult offenders of tomorrow.''

Dr. Araji specializes in the study of domestic violence and violence among intimates, including sexual abuse of children, social psychology, and issues related to the family and women.

For more information on Sharon Araji's work, click here.

For a copy of The Associated Press article, click here.


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