Get a password to research 300 years of history
by Kathleen McCoy |
You are invited to attend a presentation by Gale Publishing, spotlighting Gale's Digital
Collections: a unique library of primary sources that is transforming research in
the 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries on Sept. 14 in LIBRARY 309 at 10 a.m.
The Gale Digital Collections put unparalleled resources from the world's leading libraries,
museums and archives at the fingertips of students and researchers. These comprehensive
collections of rare books and newspapers cover topics ranging from the inner workings
of Henry VIII's privy council, to the personal journals of conquistadors and Jesuits
of the early American frontiers, to the largest collection of US and UK historic newspapers
available anywhere. Gale's Digital Collections are revolutionizing research in the
humanities and social sciences from their landmark Eighteenth Century Collection Online
enabling full text search and retrieval of any book printed in England or any of its
colonies in any language 1700 - 1800 to Sabin Americana: 1500-1926 comprising the
full text of the world's largest bibliography of books about the Americas. Gale's
newly published US and UK Newspaper Collections cover the development of the British
Empire and the United States with more than 1700 selected newspapers from the entire
British Commonwealth and all 50 states.
For more information and to R.S.V.P. call (907) 786.1873 or e-mail