UAA purchasing at Costco has changed!
by Kathleen McCoy |
Costco no longer has a UAA business membership card at the Costco membership counter as they have had in the past for departments to check out and use. Also, Costco no longer issues temporary day passes for identified UAA staff or students carrying a Limited Purchase Order (LPO).
Procurement Services has a business membership card available for check out from the University Lake Building, Suite 106, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please call 786-6500 to be sure the card is available.
If you do not want to check out the business membership card from the Procurement Services office, the Membership number can be typed (not handwritten) on the LPO. If your department would like to obtain your own departmental Costco membership at a cost of $50 or $100, or need the membership number for the LPO, please call Sandy Snethen at 786-6516 for more details.