Seawolf Debaters post strong season opener
by Kathleen McCoy |
The Seawolf Debate Team scored big at a major early-season tournament this weekend at the Hart House Intervarsity tournament at the University of Toronto.
With 70 teams in attendance from universities across the United States and Canada, UAA's top team of "Alaska A," with Ben Ferguson and Severin Randall, advanced after five preliminary rounds to enter the semifinal round.
Beating out 64 other teams, Alaska A then faced teams from McGill, Queens and Harvard University. Ferguson and Randall drew the opposition side of the motion "This House supports the right of citizens to sell their vote." (click here for details)
Randall was also recognized as the 10th overall speaker out of 144 debaters entered in the tournament.
The Seawolves' showing is an impressive opening to a semester they hope leads to competing at this year's World Championships hosted by the University College Cork in Ireland.
The Seawolf Debate Team's next competition is at the Oxford University intervarsity competition Nov. 6-9. For more information, contact Steve Johnson at (907) 786-4391 or click here for more of the story.