Have we met?

by Kathleen McCoy  |   

If you're a student at UAA, this message is especially for you.

Welcome to the green+gold student edition, your twice-a-week guide to the goings-on at UAA. Every Monday and Thursday, Anchorage campus students (and anyone else who subscribes) will be treated to news and public events that matter to students.

What differentiates the green + gold student edition from the regular Green & Gold Daily? Simple: ampersands are for old people. Us young folks get hip, trendy plus signs. Also, the green + gold student edition knows its audience: students.

Want free dance lessons? Check out the green+gold student edition. Want to know when and where there will be free food on campus? Read the green+gold student edition and follow our free food Twitter feed at http://www.twitter.com/uaafreefood. Want to stream thousands of movies and TV shows on your PC or Xbox 360? Well, the green+gold student edition can't help you there, but we can't all be as awesome as Netflix.

Is there something of note going on in your department? Are you throwing a (dry) party that's UAA-related? Let us know at http://www.uaa.alaska.edu/advancement/Green-and-Gold-News/submit.cfm and be sure to include date, time, location and whether or not snacks are being provided. Don't hesitate to send feedback to aynews@uaa.alaska.edu when you feel like showing some love.

-- Seth Boyer, UAA student and Advancement intern

Creative Commons License "Have we met?" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.