UAA, you and Microsoft: New options and policies begin Sept. 7, 2010
by Kathleen McCoy |
The University of Alaska has an agreement with Microsoft that allows UAA faculty and staff to use certain Microsoft products for work purposes, and now, in some cases for personal use too. Depending upon the type of work you do and where you perform your UAA job duties, here are some options for using Microsoft operating systems, Office, Visio, Project, and Visual Studio.
The licensing overview of these options is listed below and details are available on the UAA IT Services website at Please note, not all software is available for all licensing options.
If your department does not have dedicated IT staffI work in an office on campus and my department does not have dedicated IT staff
Simply call the UAA IT Call Center when you need new or upgraded software or when you purchase a new work computer. Your department will be charged the standard hourly rate of labor (one hour minimum) by UAA IT Services.
I have an office computer on campus, and I also have a laptop I use for work and my department does not have dedicated IT staff
Under the Microsoft Work at Home Program, you can have UAA IT Services install software on your campus computer and also on your UAA laptop for work use only. Your department will be charged the standard hourly rate of labor (one hour minimum) by UAA IT Services.
If your department has dedicated IT staffDepartments with dedicated IT staff have three options for accessing the Microsoft products. All designated IT professionals will be provided access to a read-only network file share that contains disc images and labels as well as various documentation. Optionally, departments can purchase media from UAA IT Services for Microsoft products for use by their IT staff in maintaining their department's workstations. Alternatively, any UAA department can contact the UAA IT Call Center to submit a work order to install the desired products. In this case, your department will be charged the standard hourly rate of labor (one hour minimum) by UAA IT Services.
I would like to use Microsoft products for personal useUnder the Microsoft Home Use Program, qualified faculty and staff, with valid UA identity credentials, are eligible to purchase Microsoft products for personal purposes to be used on their computers. These products include Microsoft Office, Office for Mac, Visio and Project and can be purchased for as little as $9.95 per product.
UA faculty and staff can visit, verify that you are a current UA employee and you will be directed to a Microsoft software purchase site where you can purchase available software.
UA/Microsoft licensing overviewTo ensure compliance with Microsoft's media installation policies, effective Sept. 7, the following changes to the three Microsoft licensing programs (the Microsoft Campus Agreement, the Work at Home program, and the Home Use Program) will take effect:
Microsoft Campus Agreement (MCA):
- Description: Allows all university-owned workstations to have installed the current versions of Microsoft Operating Systems, Office, and a variety of other software applications.
- Eligibility: University owned-computers
- Available software: Microsoft Windows operating systems, Office, Visio, Project, and Visual Studio
- Procedure Highlights:
- Software WILL NO LONGER be provided on a check-out basis at the IT Services' front desk.
- UAA colleges, schools, and departments with designated IT professionals will have access to a read-only file share with disc images, labels and documentation. Optionally media kits can be purchased for their departmental use.
- All designated IT professionals can install software via the MCA volume licensing codes but must maintain procedures for software dispensed and ensure that media/license codes are not released to employees.
- Software can also be installed via an IT Services' work order; departments will be charged the standard hourly rate of labor (one hour minimum).
- IT Services will provide designated IT professionals with new procedures upon request.
- For extended sites please contact your regional IT Support Desk (Call Center, Help Desk).
Microsoft Work at Home Program:
- Description: Departments can grant their employees the right to use a second copy of a limited selection of Microsoft programs on either a home or portable computer, for university work purposes only. Supervisor approval will be required for all requests.
- Eligibility: ONLY to regular/term/adjunct faculty or regular/term/temporary staff*
- Available software: Microsoft Windows operating system (for dedicated workstations used only for university work), Office, Office for the Mac, Visio, Project, Visual Studio
- Procedure Highlights:
- Software WILL NO LONGER be provided on a checkout basis at the IT Services' front desk.
- Departments may purchase Work at Home media kits as needed for those employees they authorize to work at home.
- All designated IT professionals can install software via the MCA volume licensing codes but must maintain procedures for software dispensed and ensure that media/license codes are not released to employees.
- Software can also be installed via an IT Services' work order; departments will be charged the standard hourly rate of labor (one hour minimum).
- IT Services will provide designated IT professionals with new procedures upon request.
- ALL software must be uninstalled when employee is no longer employed by UA.
- Accountability falls to whoever approves installations.
Microsoft Home Use Program:
- Description: As a benefit to UA employees, qualified faculty and staff with valid UA identity credentials are eligible to purchase Microsoft products for both work- and personal purposes to be used on their personal computers at significant discounts
- Eligibility: ONLY to regular/term/adjunct faculty or regular/term/temporary staff*
- Available software: Microsoft Office, Office for Mac, Visio, Project
- Procedure Highlights:
- Employees will go to a UAA website, verify that they are current UA employees and will be re-directed to a Microsoft software purchase site
- Products may be purchased at significant discounts (typically $9.95 per product). At this time, the Windows operating systems is unavailable for purchase
- Software may be used for personal or work purposes as long as the employee remains employed by UA
* Please Note: Student employees, graduate student employees, and emeritus faculty are not presently eligible for Microsoft's Work at Home and Home Use Programs.
For further information, please visit UAA's Microsoft Licensing Agreement webpage at Questions may be directed to the IT Call Center at 786-4646 or 877-633-3888.