Fall 2012: Navigating UAA
by Michelle Saport |
In this three-day program, you will have the unique opportunity to learn about a number of departments, processes, procedures and ways of doing business that are exceptionally important to ongoing success for working at UAA. Below is a list of those departments taking part in the presentations, followed by a partial list of what they'll cover.
General Support Services: Document services, printing services, mail preparation, copy services, mail, central receiving and surplus and relocation
Parking: Online parking permits and what the 'call team' can do for you
University Bookstore
University Conference Services: Planning a conference and getting to know conference services
University Dining: Information on catering an event and dining services for employees
Human Resources: Recruitment for staff positions, understanding leaves, position descriptions and compensation and payroll and timesheets
Workers' Compensation and Risk Services: Reporting/legal requirements and back-to-work program
University Police Department
Administrative Services: Budget and finance, overview of university budget systems, fund codes, object codes, soft ledgers, WolfCard and introduction to Banner HR, student
Accounts Payable: Travel authorizations, travel expense reimbursements, travel card, petty cash (what is it and how to process), employee reimbursement (how to pay a vendor for what you need), payments to non-vendors (employee reimbursements, direct payments and petty cash), rep/nonrep (rules for food, entertainment and gifts) and inviting the world (process for inviting a non-U.S. citizen to a UA-sponsored event)
Procurement Services: What Procurement Services is, public purchasing defined, policies, procedures and guidelines, independent contractor status explained, contract types and why we need them and insurance requirements for contractors
To sign up, please go to https://www.quickbase.com/db/bhf39ifex. You will need to sign up for all three sessions separately. If you have any questions concerning the program, please contact Steve Hinds at sphinds@uaa.alaska.edu or (907) 786-1425. Looking forward to seeing you there!