Become a Smithsonian Intern! Apply by Feb. 1
by Michelle Saport |
The University of Alaska Foundation and Smithsonian Institution are accepting applications from University of Alaska undergraduate and graduate students (Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau) for internship positions at the Smithsonian's Arctic Studies Center (SASC) at the Anchorage Museum.
Opportunities for summer 2013
Archaeological Field & Lab Intern: Intern will work with SASC Director Aron Crowell to conduct archaeological and oral historical fieldwork in Yakutat Bay, southeast Alaska. Duties: Preparation of supplies and equipment; assistance with camp set up and maintenance; excavation, mapping and field recording; archaeological survey; assisting with interviews. Selection criteria: Graduate student in anthropology. Previous field experience preferred.
Documentary Films Intern: Intern will work with SASC staff to produce short topical video documentaries and language education films. Duties: Participate in design, set-up, filming, editing and production of finished films documenting cultural and linguistic workshops, consultations with elders, artist events and other research and public programs at the SASC; assist in film and archival photo research. Selection criteria: Graduate student. Video production and editing required. Proficiency in Final Cut Pro required. Experience and coursework in anthropology and indigenous cultures preferred.
Education Intern: Intern will work with SASC and Anchorage Museum staff to create educational materials and programming for the "Living Our Cultures" exhibition. Duties: Participate in development meetings; develop and produce gallery activities; conduct evaluations. Interns will work under the supervision of SASC curators and Anchorage Museum staff in the education department. Selection criteria: Advance undergraduate or graduate student. Experience and coursework in education and indigenous cultures required. Experience working with digital media required.
Opportunities for fall 2013
Public Programming Intern: Intern will assist SASC staff to organize and present public programs, gallery presentations and artist events. Duties: Research and preparation of background cultural information; attending/assisting at events; recording, logging, transcribing and editing discussions; preparing text and images for the Sharing Knowledge website and Living Our Cultures exhibition interactive; creating online podcasts. Selection criteria: Advanced undergraduate or graduate student. Experience and coursework in anthropology and indigenous cultures required. Experience working with digital media required.
Archaeological Field & Lab Intern: Intern will with work with SASC Director Aron Crowell to conduct archaeological and oral historical fieldwork in Yakutat Bay, southeast Alaska. Duties: Preparation of supplies and equipment; assistance with camp set-up and maintenance; excavation, mapping and field recording; archaeological survey; assisting with interviews. Selection criteria: Graduate student in anthropology. Previous field experience preferred.
Application process
Semester internships will be ten weeks in duration with a commitment of 40 hours per week in the summer and 16 hours per week during the fall semester. A stipend of $12.50 per hour is offered, with a maximum stipend of $5,000 for summer and $2,000 in the fall. The stipend will be paid at the end of the internship upon successful completion. Course credits may be arranged by the student through his or her individual department as appropriate but are not included in the internship offer. To the email address below, please send by Feb. 1:
1. C.V. that includes relevant coursework and experience and what computer programs
you have experience using, and
2. Cover letter stating the internship, position type and dates you are applying for.
For further information, contact Dawn Biddison, assistant curator for Smithsonian Arctic Studies Center Alaska Office, at