Save the date: Development Day is May 14

by Michelle Saport  |   

UAA Development Day is scheduled for Tuesday, May 14, so mark your calendars.

For those staff members who are new, UAA Development Day provides employees an opportunity to develop and enhance work skills. Lectures and workshops will be offered throughout the day. It is also an opportunity for the university to express appreciation to employees for their commitment and hard work throughout the year. It is an all-day event and we encourage you to attend. For more information or to view pictures from last year's event, visit the Development Day website.

If you would like to be a presenter or have any suggestions for workshops/lectures this year, please contact either of the Development Day co-chairs: Steve Hinds,, or Betty Hernandez,

If you are interested in being a part of the UAA Development Day Committee or helping the day of the event (we would appreciate any time you can give), please contact Betty Hernandez at

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