September 2013 Archive

UAA creates Alaska Native Management curriculum


The passage of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act in 1971 created 13 regional and more than 200 village corporations. UAA faculty have long advocated for an Alaska Native business management curriculum. It's now a blossoming reality.

Alumni Spotlight: Susan LaBelle

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Susan LaBelle has been named the UAA Alumni Association 2013 Alumni Humanitarian. She's spent the last 35 years working to improve social and behavioral health service delivery in the state. “My compassion for people makes me strive for change,” she says.

Celebrity Chef Invitational 2013 is Sept. 18; Cuddy eateries will close at 1 p.m.


Legislative Internship Program; apply by Oct. 15


Biological Sciences Seminar: 'Diurnalty: Evolution, Mechanisms and Consequences,' Sept. 13


Sept. 11, 2013: Residence Life Open House


2013 National Suicide Prevention Week


Safetember 2013


Sept. 20, 2013: Melanie Trost and Carly Ellington


Sept. 23, 2013: 'Negotiating in China: Chinese indigenous concepts and its contribution to Western intercultural communication theory'


September Archive