Fall 2013: Staff development workshop
by Michelle Saport |
Tuesday, Oct. 29, 9:50-11:30 a.m. UAA/APU Consortium Library, Room 307
The Office of Student Affairs and the Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE) are pleased to sponsor a collaborative workshop, "A Synergistic Approach to Higher Education: Academic and Student Affairs," for student affairs professionals and university faculty.
Participants will hear from Lua Hancock, Ph.D., assistant provost for student success at Stetson University, and Karen Boyd, Ph.D., visiting assistant professor of higher education at the University of Tennessee Knoxville, in a web presentation focusing on a synergistic approach to higher education and our role as integrative educators. Hancock and Boyd will examine:
1. Theoretical foundations to drive our collaborative work (including cross cultural and partnership theories); 2. Diverse institutional examples of programmatic and/or systems integration in their concepts of liberal learning through governance and structure, learning outcomes and assessment; and 3. How we can apply our theoretical and best practice based learning to our own campus climates. (This is especially important as each campus is unique and cannot always approach program or systems in the same ways as others.)
Participants will then engage in an interactive forum with cross-university partners to discuss insights, ideas and action steps related to the important topic of academic and student affairs partnerships.In the recent Staff Development Needs and Interest Inventory, 87 percent of Student Affairs staff said they are interested in building relationships between Student Affairs and Academic Affairs. "The idea is to ensure that as many aspects of the collegiate experiences as possible promote a common sense of learning outcomes-outcomes pertinent to a complex world" (Newell, p. 9, 2010).
For more information, contact Whitney Brown, coordinator of Student Affairs Research, Assessment and Staff Development, at WABrown3@uaa.alaska.edu or (907) 786-6156.