March 2014 Archive

Alumni Spotlight: Brit Szymoniak

The Boardroom

Seeing a need for a co-working space in Anchorage, UAA alumna Brit Szymoniak and M.P.A. grad student Katherine Jernstrom came up with the idea of The Boardroom—a bright, stylish new co-working hub. After just a few months, this successful entrepreneurial duo has nearly reached The Boardroom's capacity and has plans to expand in May.

Want to get into medical school?

Pre Med Students

Getting through four years of medical school takes discipline and sheer will. Getting admitted to medical school takes just as much grit. The Alaska PreMed Summit offers strategies that can help prospective medical doctors realize their dream.

Designing a cheaper, safer roof for Third World environments

Concrete Roof

Engineering professor Scott Hamel and undergraduate civil engineering student Nathaniel Cox are working together to design a lightweight, less expensive and safer roofing system than what's currently being used in most Third World environments.

Alumni Spotlight: Melissa Shein

Melissa Shein

A high school chemistry teacher helped Melissa see she had talent in science and that a fulfilling career in medicine could be hers. She earned a biological sciences degree before succeeding in Alaska WWAMI and becoming a family medicine physician at Southcentral Foundation Anchorage Native Primary Care Center.

March 15, 2014: Deadline to apply for Alaska LEND Without Walls Fellowship


International Studies Pub Trivia Night, April 11


Free time during the week or on Saturdays? Apply to work as an eLearning proctor


'Love is a Many Complex Thing,' March 21


Paul Dunscomb presents '100 Years of New Culture,' March 20


'Actor John Barrymore and the theft of a Tlingit totem from Southeast Alaska in the 1930s,' March 19


March Archive