Introducing two new Blackboard upgrades: Atomic Learning and VoiceThread

by Michelle Saport  |   

UAA has upgraded Atomic Learning and VoiceThread with Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) for Blackboard.

What is Atomic Learning? Atomic Learning is a collection of multimedia tutorials on the effective use of software and technology. Atomic Learning and use of its content is available to all UAA faculty, staff and students. Instructors may add Atomic Learning resources directly within their Blackboard course.

What's new? Search the entire collection of multimedia tutorials; create playlists of multiple tutorials; incorporate in Grade Center by giving students credit for watching tutorials.

What is VoiceThread? VoiceThread is a communication tool for instructors and students to have discussions around multimedia content with audio-recorded messages.

What's new? Choose from one of three assignment types: create, comment or watch. Incorporate in Grade Center by grading student submissions to VoiceThread.

Who do I contact with questions? Please contact Academic Innovations & eLearning if you are interested in utilizing either of these tools in your Blackboard course or have questions about the new features.

Academic Innovations & eLearning (907) 786-4496

Creative Commons License "Introducing two new Blackboard upgrades: Atomic Learning and VoiceThread" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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