April 2015 Archive

Stacey Lucason: USUAA president glances back before leaping ahead

Stacey Lucason

USUAA President Stacey Lucason winds down her undergraduate experience with graduation this May, but she's already focused on next steps, to a master's degree in public health or policy, and potential service as a UA student regent.

Slideshow: UAA hosts 2015 U.S. Universities Debating Championship

US Universities Debating Championships

The UAA Seawolf Debate Program hosted the most prestigious national debate tournament of its kind April 11–13. After a weekend of 360 debates, judges selected Yale as the best intercollegiate debate team of 2015.

Sending UAA spirit to Moldova

Mariana Morari

A year after graduating, Mariana Morari still gets emotional thinking back to when she received her M.P.A. Now, she's hoping to recreate that graduation in her rural hometown in Moldova. And with community support, she will. Learn how to donate your graduation gown to her big dream.

Providing 'a safe space' for Alaska Native orators


The Alaska Native Oratory Society provides a welcoming and safe place every year for young orators to recite poetry, give a speech in a Native language or share stories from their culture and real-life experiences.

Facing our budget downturn together: please send in your ideas


April 28, 2015: 'Contemporary Evolution in Threespine Stickleback from Uplifted Islands in Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska'


Frederic Chiu's Classical Smackdown, May 1


April 2015: Fill out Administrative Services Survey for chance to win prizes


May 8, 2015: Farewell reception for Professor Randy Magen

Join us Friday, May 8, 2–4 p.m., in GHH 108, for a farewell reception for Professor Randy Magen, longtime faculty member in the School of Social Work.

Arctic Council Chairmanship passes to USA: Live webcast at UAA


April Archive