Fall 2015: Announcing the availability of the Harold T. Caven Professorship
by Michelle Saport |
The University of Alaska Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of the Harold T. Caven Professorship. The professorship, which carries an award of $20,000, was established in 1974 with a generous gift from Mrs. Loretta Caven, widow of Harold T. Caven. Dr. Caven was a longtime Alaskan who first came to the state in 1943. He served as director and as vice president of First National Bank of Anchorage.
Proposals for the award will be accepted from faculty members in business and finance within the University of Alaska system. Applicants who have evident leadership in the financial community (either practically or academically) are preferred.
Awards are intended to allow the recipient to carry out activities and projects designed to enhance the field of business and finance at the University of Alaska, beyond those associated with the recipient's normal faculty assignments. The successful candidate will be selected based upon: 1) their academic accomplishments, attributes, qualifications; and 2) the quality and degree of benefit to the university of the proposed activities to be carried out as a result of the appointment.
The deadline for receipt of complete proposals (including application, C.V. and letters of reference) for the two-year appointment is Friday, Nov. 20, 2015. The term of the professorship commences upon award and will continue until June 2017.
The maximum award amount is $10,000 each year for two consecutive years.
For proposal requirements, please visit the UA Foundation website.
For more information, contact Dory Straight, UA Foundation scholarship officer, at (907) 450-8030.