Jan. 11, 2016: Next debate in Arguing Alaska series tackles end-of-life legislation
by Michelle Saport |
Monday, Jan. 11, 5:30 p.m. Bear Tooth Theatrepub (1230 W. 27th Ave.)
Last February, House Bill 99 was introduced to the Alaska State Legislature. If passed, Alaska would join Vermont, Oregon, California, Montana and Washington as the only states with "Death with Dignity" laws and give the terminally ill the option to end their life. Please join us for an invigorating debate between vested members of our community as we attempt to shed some light on one of the most challenging moral dilemmas of our time.
- The motion: "Alaska should allow terminally ill patients to end their lives with the assistance of a physician."
- The pro side: Representative Harriett Drummond (Alaska State Legislature) and Dr. John Mouracade (UAA philosophy professor and interim dean of the UAA Honors College)
- The con side: Dr. George Stewart (President, Alaska Medical Missions) and Dr. Mary Lanza (Anesthesiologist, Providence Alaska Medical Center)
The Arguing Alaska Debate Series is a joint project of UAA Seawolf Debate and Alaska Dispatch News. The series aims to bring together real Alaskans to talk about real policy in the name of civil discourse. For more information, please visit arguingalaska.com.
Tickets are on sale now at the Bear Tooth box office and online at beartooththeatre.net.