Jan. 12, 2017: Learn more about study abroad options at information session
by Michelle Saport |
Study Abroad 101 Thursday, Jan. 12, 6-7:15 p.m. (Please note the time change.) Rasmuson Hall, Room 111
Begin preparing for study abroad-attend the next Study Abroad 101 information session. Please bring a friend and join us. You do not need to register. This will be the first Study Abroad information session for spring 2017.
Begin planning at least 9-12 months in advance. Opportunities abroad include internships, service learning, field studies, research and shipboard education, in addition to language immersion. Whether your interests lie in the Arctic or in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Oceania or Latin America, a quality education abroad opportunity through UAA is your passport to the world.
Come learn about the factors to think about in choosing a program, the important role of your academic advisor, budget considerations, how financial aid and scholarships can help pay for your experience, and your next steps. Open to all; no reservations needed.
For more information about education abroad, contact Leslie Tuovinen, education abroad coordinator, at latuovinen@uaa.alaska.edu or (907) 786-4135, or visit the Office of International & Intercultural Affairs website. Education abroad supports UAA's International and Intercultural Learning Outcomes.