March 2017 Archive

March 31, 2017: Go for a hike with the UAA Sustainability Club

This month's Sustainability Club hike will follow the South Fork Rim and Powerline Pass trails. Carpooling from campus will leave from the Gorsuch Commons at noon. We will begin hiking from the Prospect Heights trailhead on Friday, March 31, at 12:30 p.m.

March 30, 2017: Conversation with Anchorage Assemblyman Patrick Flynn


April 11, 2017: Free public symposium featuring UAA students and food ethicist Paul Thompson

Join UAA Environmental Ethics student panelists Samuel Rice, Ben Mock, Molly Fenton, Nathan Burns and Angelina Klapperich for an evening with Professor Paul B. Thompson, author of "From Field to Fork: Food Ethics for Everyone."

Study abroad in Norway: Kaare Birkeland scholarship accepting applications through April 3, 2017


Ice cold justice: Captain Anholt leads sharp pack of Seawolves


UAA's top points producer, Matt Anholt captains a hockey squad stacked with WHCA All-Academic honorees. A justice major, Matt studies defending in the court while excelling offensively on the ice.

Study Abroad 101 - March 31, 2017


The Capitol Report 3/28/17: Numerous education and budget bills on the move


Apply by April 1, 2017 for Alaska Geriatric Interdisciplinary Leadership Development Program (AK GILD)


March 31, 2017: Devin Drown presents 'Evolution of species interaction in a changing world'

Devin Drown, Ph.D., assistant professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, will present "Evolution of species interactions in a changing world" on Friday, March 31, beginning at 3:30 p.m. in ConocoPhillips Integrated Science Building, Room 120. This talk (part of the Biological Sciences Seminar Series) is free and open to the public.

2017 Pacific Rim Conference on English Studies, March 30–April 1


March Archive