October 2019 Archive

Seawolf Hockey tickets: New information for students

Come celebrate the 40th anniversary of Seawolf Hockey and help us create a true-home ice advantage. Tickets are limited – be aware of the protocol for picking up tickets and arrive early on Oct. 25 to get your ticket! Text ‘Seawolves’ to 90561 to sign up for mobile alerts and keep up with UAA Athletics.

Oct. 18, 2019: Social Inclusion and Equity Half Day Exposure Workshop


IT Services phone maintenance notification


Oct. 15, 2019: Fall Wellness Expo — Games, booths, prizes and more


Flu vaccine now available! Outreach clinics offered Oct. 9 and 15, 2019


Oct. 15, 2019: Prevention and Advocacy Career Panel


Oct. 18, 2019: Student trip to Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center and Byron Glacier


Motions passed at emergency Board of Regents’ meeting now available


Last week, the UA Board of Regents voted to cease consideration of single accreditation and suspend systemwide academic program reviews. Read the official language for the motions passed.

Oct. 14, 2019: Indigenous Peoples Day Potluck

Please join us at Native Student Services (RH 108) Oct. 14, 1–4 p.m. for a potluck style event to celebrate Alaska Native and Native American Indigenous Peoples' Day

Oct. 14, 2019: Live Zoom training session

Danny Mariscal, the university's Zoom customer success manager, will be providing live training sessions. Learn more and register today.

October Archive