Nov. 22, 2019: Using ePortfolio to Develop and Leverage Your Professional Identity
by Michelle Saport |
Who Are You? Using ePortfolio to Develop and Leverage Your Professional Identity Friday, Nov. 22, 9-11 a.m. Gordon Hartlieb Hall, Room 105 and via distance Presenter: Shamai Thacker, eWolf ePortfolio Strategist. Visit Shamai's ePortfolio.
Your professional identity is probably captured in a range of places: personal and professional social media accounts, university accounts (like a P&T file?), publications, artistic works, exhibits of student work, your CV/resume and more. In this session, you will learn about the strategic use of ePortfolios to pull all of that information together in a clear, coherent way that improves the way you're representing your professional life. Whether you are thinking about the next step in your career, entertaining the possibility of going alt-ac, looking for collaborators or want to connect with community partners, a well-designed ePortfolio can help. This session will support you in creating or expanding a clear, unified space that reflects your expertise, interests and goals, and that can be leveraged across platforms.
Intended audience Open to faculty, post-docs, GTAs, and staff
Pre-session activities and considerations
- Previous experience with ePortfolio is not required, but it may be helpful to check out the eWolf site for information and great examples.
- If you've used eWolf for P&T, you're not bound by the template for an ePortfolio of your own design. You can pull in material from a P&T ePortfolio and create a space that reflects what you want to say about yourself as a professional in higher education.
- Bring your laptop, a few photos (yourself, your work, related images), a copy of your CV or resume, and copies of other items you think you might want to have available for use during the session.
Attend via distance
- Join Zoom meeting:
- Dial in: +1 669 900 6833
- Meeting ID: 952 949 984
If you experience issues connecting via distance, please contact Luis Chavez Jr. at or (907) 786-4644.
Register for ePortfolio and Professional Identity.