Need to borrow a computer? View your options
by UA Office of Information Technology |
If you need a computer to use while working from a remote location, OIT has a limited number of Chromebooks available for loan to UA affiliates on a case-by-case basis during the change of university operations due to COVID-19.
In order to qualify for a Chromebook, the following conditions need to be met:
- You must have current student, faculty or staff status with the University of Alaska.
- You must have a demonstrated need; such that you do not have an existing functional personal or UA-provided computing device.
- You must agree to report a lost or stolen Chromebook to OIT as soon as possible. This may help us recover the device.
If you are staff/faculty, your department will be held responsible for the total cost of replacement for a lost/stolen Chromebook. The cost is $300.
If you are a student, you will be held responsible for the total cost of replacement for a lost/stolen Chromebook. The cost is $300.
Devices will need to be returned once these requirements are no longer met. Students will need to renew this agreement each semester.
Supplies are limited.