On-site operations and policy guidance update
by Cathy Sandeen, UAA Chancellor |
Dear UAA Community,
By now, you have likely seen the UA system communication outlining updated guidance for the approaching fall semester. I would like to take this time to reiterate these updates and reaffirm my commitment to work with my leadership team as well as local government leaders to make informed decisions and develop policies that make the most sense for UAA.
On-site operations
Rather than the statewide office setting a phase for the entire UA system, new guidance allows us to work with the interim president to set our own phases at UAA and our
community campuses based on local conditions and risk metrics. On May 4, I indicated
UAA would operate in Phase B, with primarily alternate course delivery and mostly
remote work for faculty and staff. I will also implement a mask requirement for all
UAA facilities for the fall semester. We are currently finalizing this UAA-wide policy.
At this time, we are complying with the municipality’s mask requirement on the Anchorage
campus as outlined in Emergency Order EO-13.
I anticipate our current operating plan will serve us through the fall semester, but any shift to a different phase for our campuses will be based on alert levels outlined by the state as well as community conditions and the degree to which we can implement necessary safety measures for our specific operational sites.
Student testing policy
The UA system office also released new guidance related to student testing for COVID-19. Please note that this guidance could change in the near future due to state mandates
and other state and local government policies.
Campus entry restrictions
This updated guidance requires individuals to stay away from campus for a designated amount of time, or
in some cases until they are medically cleared, after traveling or in the instance
of suspected or confirmed exposure to COVID-19. For additional updates, please continue
to consult the UAA section of the UA COVID-19 website.
I appreciate your flexibility and patience as we identify the best way to continue serving our students, community and state while protecting the health and well-being of our campus communities. We will continue to communicate important COVID-19-related information to you throughout the upcoming semester.
Cathy Sandeen
UAA Chancellor