Accepting Applications: Assistant Director/Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner for the Student Health and Counseling Center

by UAA Student Health and Counseling Center  |   

The UAA Student Health and Counseling Center is seeking a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner to serve as the Assistant Director of the center. The Assistant Director of the Student Health and Counseling Center (SHCC) at the University of Alaska Anchorage is a key decision maker in the operation and strategic direction of a comprehensive college counseling center. The primary responsibility of the Assistant Director is to provide clinical mental health services for students. In addition, this role includes working closely with the unit Director to ensure appropriate administrative supervision of the mental health professionals in the SHCC. The position collaborates across campus units to develop effective strategies to create and maintain healthy environments through the prevention of and intervention in psychological and behavioral issues. The Assistant Director also works in collaboration with the Director of the SHCC to develop policies, procedures, and guidelines that inform the University’s response to individual health needs as well as events that impact student health on campus. Specific skills that are important for the Assistant Director will include a focus on the coordination and provision of direct client services, engagement in data-informed decision-making, and knowledge of current trends in college mental health services.

Accepting applications through April 30, 2021. If you know of anyone who may be interested please ask them to apply. Thank you.

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April Archive