Real Estate Summer Workshop for high school students

by Weidner Property Management and Real Estate Program  |   

UAA’s Real Estate Management + Investment (REM+I) Workshop is a three-day, interactive opportunity for high school students to explore career and educational opportunities in real estate management and learn how and why people invest in income-producing real estate.

Two days will be spent learning the fundamentals of real estate investing and the skills and practices needed to manage these assets. The third day will involve a series of networking opportunities, exploring different property types and learning from professionals in the field.

A total of 15 students will be admitted for this opportunity by application. Lunch service will be provided each day and t-shirts will be ordered for students at no cost — all thanks to the generous support of industry members.

Upon completion of the workshop, students interested in attending UAA and pursuing this academic track will be eligible to apply for a $1,000 scholarship. Up to six (6) awards will be issued to participants from this workshop.

Applications due April 15,  2022.

Learn more and apply

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March Archive