Should the U.S. immigration system be merit based?
Arguing Alaska debate series returns on Nov. 13
Nov. 1, 2017
Should only the most qualified individuals be allowed to immigrate to the United States? That’s the question UAA’s Seawolf Debate program will tackle when its Arguing Alaska series returns on Monday, Nov. 13, from 5:30 – 7 p.m. at the Bear Tooth Theatrepub.
The series, cosponsored by Alaska Dispatch News and Seawolf Debate, considers both sides of the day’s most controversial issues and will bring together Alaska experts with debaters from UAA’s internationally award-winning program. Together, the two sides will engage in reasoned deliberation of public policy issues.
In arguing whether the U.S. should only accept the most qualified immigrants, debaters grapple with questions that are both poignant and complex: Can we balance the founding ideals of our country with a pragmatic concern for attracting the best and brightest from around the world? Should the reunification of families take precedence over recruiting those whom we believe will contribute the most to our nation?
Anchorage’s first lady Mara Kimmel and immigration and citizenship attorney Margaret Stock will serve as guest judges at the event. Tickets are on sale now at General admission is $15.
For more information, please contact Steven Johnson, director of the Seawolf Debate program, at 907-786-4391 or