Middle College Programs
Middle College Programs
Spring 2025 applications are open!
Application deadline: December 2
Placement testing must be completed: December 9
About the Program
UAA Middle College Programs is a dual enrollment program at University of Alaska Anchorage. In collaboration with the Alaska Middle College High School (AMCS), UAA’s Middle College Program offers prepared and motivated high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to begin college early at no cost to the parent/guardian or student. Participants can receive high school credit for their college classes while completing college credits towards a degree program. Middle College students also receive academic support, individualized advising, and assistance with navigating the college environment.
Why Apply?
Who can Apply?
- Application Requirements
- You are or will be a high school junior (11th) or senior (12th) in the semester you are applying for admission.
- You have a high school GPA of 2.50 or higher.
- You are on track to graduate from high school on time.
- You have a good attendance record and no serious behavior reports.
- You have completed the following high school courses: English I, English II, Algebra I, and Geometry.
The following high school courses are recommended to be completed, but are not required to apply: Algebra II, Physical Education, Life Science, Physical Science, World History, Alaska Studies.
- Information NightInformation Nights are an opportunity for parents/guardians to learn about the AMCS program, admission requirements, student expectations, course scheduling, and student support services. All presentations are via Zoom and begin at 6 pm. Visit the AMCS Application Info page for a full list of dates and a link to register for Information Night.
Application Process
Submit UAA and AMCS admission applications
To apply to the Middle College Program you must submit both a UAA Secondary Student application and an AMCS application. Do not move on to Step 2 until you have completely submitted both applications.
UAA Non-Degree Seeking Secondary Student Application
There is no application fee or deadline for secondary student admission. Secondary students who have applied to the university in a prior semester do not need to apply again. Applications for the fall semester open January 15 and applications for the spring semester open September 15.
To apply, complete steps 1-4 now, then wait at least 3 business days before completing the rest of the steps:
- Click on the "Apply" button below, scroll to the bottom and select "First time user account creation."
- Create your user ID and password and log in.
- Select "University of Alaska Anchorage" as the Campus and "Anchorage Middle College" as the Application Type. Then complete all the required application information. Each section must have a check mark before submission. For additional time to complete the application, select Finish Later and return another time. Incomplete applications will be deleted after three days.
- To submit your application, click "Application is Complete." After you submit your application, check your email for a confirmation from UAA.
- Please allow at least three business days for applications to be processed before completing the next steps.
- After your application is processed by UAA, you will receive an email with directions on how to search for UA credentials (UA ID number and username) and set a password at the UA Easy Login Maintenance Option (ELMO) site. If you have questions at any point in the ELMO or ID lookup process, contact IT services: 907-786-4646.
- The email you receive will also include a link to the Student Parent Agreement (SPA), which is a required form for high school students taking university courses. You must have your UA ID number before submitting the SPA.
Alaska Middle College High School (AMCS) Application
After completing all the UAA admission steps, apply to AMCS for admission. Applications for the fall semester open in January/February and applications for the spring semester open in September/October. The AMCS application should take about 15 minutes to complete.
Complete Writing and Math Placement
Please note that for both writing and math placement you are required to have a UA ID number, which you receive after completing the UAA application. Schedule or plan to complete your writing and math placement after you receive your UA ID number. The ALEKS is the only math placement measure available for students at UAA, but there are multiple writing placement measures available. All writing placement measures are described below. If you have questions about your UA ID number, please contact uaa_middlecollege@alaska.edu.
To qualify for the AMCS program, you must meet the target score below for either writing or math:
- Math - ALEKS ≥ 30
- Writing - Writing Sample placement into WRTG A111 or Accuplacer ≥ 530 or SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing/ACT English score
Math Placement - ALEKS Test
Before completing the ALEKS test, please ensure that you have refreshed your memory of the math concepts you have already studied in high school. Study packets (with answers) are available below to help you review math concepts. Pick your study packets based on the math classes you have already completed in high school:
You are now ready to complete the ALEKS test! There is no cost to take the test. The ALEKS test can be completed remotely if you have a computer with a web camera and the capability to install a temporary lockdown browser for remote proctoring. Chromebooks can now be used to complete the ALEKS test, just be sure to select Chromebook when downloading the lockdown browser.
Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment to complete the test in person at King Tech High School.
Schedule an In-Person ALEKS Test
Writing Placement - Writing Sample
Students can submit a sample of their writing for UAA writing faculty to evaluate for placement. Writing samples can be done remotely at no cost. Please ensure that you have set aside at least two hours to finish your writing sample (including the form you complete at the beginning) in one sitting. To submit a writing sample, complete the following steps:
- Fill out and submit the Writing Sample Survey to begin your writing sample. Verify that your email and student ID number are exactly correct before submitting the survey.
- Immediately after you submit the form, check your email (the email you provided on the form) for the link to begin your writing sample. Please note that this link is only valid for 2 hours after it is sent to you, so be prepared to complete the whole writing sample in one sitting! If you do not receive a link in your email or you experience problems with your link, contact hlcox@alaska.edu.
- Complete the writing sample. When you are finished writing, close your browser tab or your application to ensure your submission sends. You will receive a confirmation email a few hours after you complete your writing sample with instructions about how and where to access your results.
- Your writing sample results will be viewable in UAOnline 5-10 business days after you submit your writing sample.
- Email Beth Sherwood (sherwood_beth@asdk12.org) to notify that you have completed your writing sample and to report your writing sample score.
If you would like to complete the writing sample in person, schedule a testing appointment with Kim Griffis using the button below.
Schedule an In-Person Writing Sample
Writing Placement - Accuplacer
The Accuplacer is an alternate measure to determine writing placement. It is a test that is done in person at UAA at no cost to the student. On average AMCS applicants receive a higher writing placement by submitting a writing sample in comparison to taking the Accuplacer test. However, Accuplacer can provide evidence if a student has advanced writing skills beyond WRTG 111 placement.
To register for the test, click on Schedule the Accuplacer Exam below and use the following to fill out the form: for Location choose - Alaska Middle College; for group choose - Placement Test; and for Exam choose - Placement Exam. You will need to choose a time and date that works for you and complete the form to register. You are required to present a government issue picture ID before entering the test area.
Writing Placement - SAT/ACT
Students who have already completed SAT or ACT can use their scores for writing placement if they meet the requirements below:
Course |
ACT English |
SAT Evidence-Based |
WRTG A110 | 18 | 450 |
WRTG A111 | 22 | 560 |
WRTG A211/212/213/214 | 30 | 610 |
Application Review and Final Decision
Once the student completes Step 1 and 2 of the application process, then AMCS will review the application and make a final determination. A review of all complete applications occurs every Friday until the application period closes.
Applicants will receive an email with an invitation to join the AMCS program or a Notice of Non-Admittance. As part of the invitation, the student and parents must accept or decline enrollment into AMCS. For a Notice of Non-Admittance, the application did not meet the program criteria and students are encouraged to reapply for admission in a subsequent semester.
NOTE: Students transferring from another school district need to also enroll as a student in the Anchorage School District. Contact the AMCS Registrar at (907) 742-8909 or (907) 742-8900.
Accepted Students 
Students who have received an invitation to join AMCS and have accepted the invitation should read the invitation letter thoroughly for specific instructions on meeting with their UAA Middle College advisor and watching the Induction Recording.
If you have questions about next steps, please email Beth Sherwood at sherwood_beth@asdk12.org.