Dr. Alex Hills presents Smart Wi Fi

by Kathleen McCoy  |   

People love Wi Fi. They use it at Starbucks, in airports and in their homes, and it is easy to see why Wi Fi is so popular. But the popularity of Wi Fi can cause problems for Wi Fi users. As Wi Fi networks became more heavily used, they may be unable to handle the load, and, as these networks bog down, users can notice slower service and longer delays.  But "Smart Wi-Fi" technology includes new design changes intended to overcome these problems.  This latest Wi-Fi technology can provide faster service to more users than could earlier technology.

On Wednesday, April 18, Dr. Alex Hills will present his lecture "Smart Wi-Fi" at the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers luncheon at the Sourdough Mining Company from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Hills is a professor, inventor and engineering executive who has lectured and done consulting work in many foreign countries.  Dr. Hills is Distinguished Service Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, where he and his team created the vision for the technology we now call "Wi-Fi."  He also holds the title of Profesor Extraordinario at the Universidad Austral de Chile, and he heads Alex Hills Associates, a small consulting company based in Palmer, Alaska.  

Dr. Hills is also a valued supporter of UAA through the Dr. Alex Hills Engineering Research Award.  This competitive award, administered by the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship, supports an undergraduate engineering research project showing exceptional merit.  

The charge for lunch is $10 for IEEE student members, $15 for other IEEE members, and $17 for non-members. Contact Steven Kaleta at
762-4420 for registration and more information.

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