Congratulations to Cindy Knall

by Kathleen McCoy  |   

Congratulations to Cindy Knall who just learned that her National Institute of Health (NIH) application, "AREA Program: In Vitro Modeling of Smoke Induced Loss of Lung Barrier Function," was approved and funded with a start date of Feb. 1, 2008.

Knall's funding will allow her to continue the development of her in vitro cigarette smoke exposure system and examine the mechanisms underlying disruption of lung epithelial barrier function by cigarette smoke. The NIH reviewers stated the project addresses an important public health issue and will provide potential for undergraduate and graduate student training in research. The NIH recognized the experienced principal investigator, Knall, who has a strong track record in training undergraduate and graduate students, and the institutional commitment to training scientists.

Congratulations to Cindy!

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