2008 Complex Systems Summer School

by Kathleen McCoy  |   

A rich, engaging series of lectures and hands-on computer simulations will be given this month at the University of Alaska Anchorage in the form of a four-day course in the 2008 Complex Systems Summer School.

Lecturers include visiting faculty from the Santa Fe Institute, Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Wistar Institute, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the University of Arizona. They bring expertise in ecology and evolutionary biology, mathematical modeling and analysis, cancer and systems biology, brain imaging and modeling, computational neuroscience and biological computation.

Dates and times
UAA's Complex Systems Summer School takes place June 16-19, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Lectures will be given on the UAA campus.

Credit, tuition, other details
CPLX A500, Survey of Complex Systems, is a one-credit course, considered to be both a continuing education course and one in the field of personal and professional development. Complimentary lunch, snacks and beverages available throughout the day. Each day's format includes morning lectures and discussions, followed by lunch, then hands-on computer lab simulations. Each student will learn to build and manipulate the computer model of a practical problem he or she would like to explore. No books. Tuition, including fees, is $511.00.

Individuals who have recently attended a class at any University of Alaska campus can register for this course using UAOnline (http://uaonline.alaska.edu). Register for CRN 52146, CPLX A500-301, Survey of Complex Systems, which can be found in the summer school offerings.

Individuals who have not attended the University of Alaska must first submit an application for admission as a non-degree-seeking student online at www.uaa.alaska.edu/admissions/on_line_application_instructions_nds.cfm, then register for the course. Please contact the UAA Complex Systems Group if there's any question about the registration process. Phone and e-mail contacts are below.

Rooms have been reserved for out-of-town guests and others. Rates start at $50 per person per night. Lodging reservations can be made through the following Web site:


Course schedule and lecturers
Monday, June 16
•    Lecture 1: An Overview of Complex Systems Science; Chris Wood
•    Lecture 2: Introduction to Agent-based Modeling and Simulation; John Pepper

Tuesday, June 17
•    Lecture 1: Scaling in Complex Systems; Luis Bettencourt
•    Lecture 2: Complexity in the Social Sciences; Will Tracy

Wednesday, June 18
•    Lecture 1: Scaling, Cities, and Innovation; Luis Bettencourt
•    Lecture 2: Complexity in Strategic Management; the Case of Firm Learning; Will Tracy

Thursday, June 19
•    Lecture 1: Complex Systems Approaches to Emerging Infectious Diseases; Luis Bettencourt
•    Lecture 2: Cancer as a Complex System; Carlo Maley

Visiting faculty
Director of Summer School: Dr. John Pepper, assistant professor, University of Arizona and Santa Fe Institute - http://eebweb.arizona.edu/Faculty/Bios/pepper.html   and  http://www.santafe.edu/

•    Dr. Luís Bettencourt, Los Alamos National Laboratory - http://math.lanl.gov/~lmbett/  
•    Dr. Carlo Maley, Wistar Institute - http://www.wistar.org/research_facilities/maley/research.htm
•    Dr. William Tracy, most recently of UCLA and now with Rensselaer Polytechnic University  
•    Dr. Chris Wood, Vice President, Santa Fe Institute - http://www.santafe.edu/profiles/?pid=33

Additional information
Please call (907) 786-4748 or e-mail ancjw@uaa.alaska.edu for assistance with course registration, lodging and other matters, or for additional information.

Sponsored by UAA's Complex Systems Group (a pan-disciplinary program) and Chancellor Emeritus E. Lee Gorsuch.

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