UAA joins forces with the University of the Arctic

by Kathleen McCoy  |   

UAA shows its commitment to higher education and research in the North

Last week the University of Alaska Anchorage and four other institutions were accepted into the University of the Arctic (UArctic) at an annual meeting in Edmonton, Canada. UAA is now among 116 organizations associated with UArctic, a network of universities, colleges and other organizations committed to higher education and research in the North.

Dr. Hannele Zubeck, a professor in UAA's School of Engineering and chair of the Arctic Engineering program, presented UAA's membership application to the UArctic Council on Tuesday, June 3. The Council unanimously accepted the application and thus partnering UAA with the University of Alaska Fairbanks as Alaska's institutional members.

UArctic's overall goal is to create a strong, sustainable circumpolar region by empowering northerners and northern communities through education and shared knowledge. It promotes education that is circumpolar, interdisciplinary and diverse in nature, and draws on combined strengths to address the unique challenges of the region. UArctic recognizes the integral role of indigenous peoples in northern education and seeks to engage their perspectives in all of its activities.

Dr. Douglas Causey, vice provost for Research and Graduate Studies and dean of the Graduate School, authored UAA's application. "UAA wants to fully participate in educational programs based at the undergraduate, graduate and life-time learning components," said Causey. "UAA's first contribution to the UArctic network is to co-host a Thematic Network in Arctic Engineering and Science together with the Luleå University in Sweden."

Zubeck, UAA's co-lead for the network, says that the goal is to enhance the innovations in technologies used in the construction, maintenance and operation of infrastructure, housing, public/private facilities, vehicles, machinery and equipment in order to improve the quality of life and allow the development of natural resources in the Arctic. Planned activities include joint education programs, curriculum development, research cooperation and knowledge sharing. The UArctic programs, such as faculty exchange and student exchange, as well as distance education via e-learning are utilized for educational programs.

More information about UArctic and its programs can be found online at For more information about UAA's involvement with UArctic contact Dr. Hannele Zubeck at (907) 283-6535 or For information on UAA's Arctic Engineering program visit

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