IHP: Know Your Numbers
by Kathleen McCoy |
UA staff and faculty, do you Know Your Numbers? Sign up for free biometric screenings to include blood lipid panel, blood pressure and body composition. You'll need these numbers in April when you fill out your Personal Wellness Profile (Health Risk Assessment) to get the most accurate report. Screenings will be held Tuesdays through April 28 from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Find a link to the registration system at the Health in Action Web site, and sign up for your 10-minute biometric screening today!
If you are in the IHP program, your wellness consultant will complete (or has already completed) a biometric screening during one of your scheduled IHP sessions.
The UA Joint Health Care Committee wants you to know!
UA staff and faculty will receive $50 for entering biometrics through April 30 in the Get the Point (GTP) Tracking System. Check the biometrics page in GTP at the end of March for details. Know Your Numbers at one of the WIN for Alaska biometric events listed above. Or, use your numbers from your IHP session or your latest doctor visit. You must enter weight, height, BP, waist and total cholesterol to qualify. Your incentive is not tied to your results, only your participation. Compliments of the UA Joint Health Care Committee.
But Wait, There's More...
UA staff and faculty who also reach Tier I in the GTP Incentive Campaign will get
another $50! If you're not registered in GTP, do it today!