2008 Nobel Laureate Roger Tsien will share his important cellular dye discoveries at a public lecture Saturday

by Kathleen McCoy  |   

Saturday, Aug. 22, 8 p.m.
UAA Fine Arts Building, Room 150

Dr. Roger Tsien (CHEN) won the 2008 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work that now allows scientists to peer inside a living cell and watch the behavior of molecules in real time. He did this by developing colorful dyes that can track the movement of calcium within cells. The science is fascinating, but the really exciting part is that his discoveries hold great promise for the advancement of treatments for HIV and cancer. For example, these dyes can outline a very specific section of cancerous tissue so surgeons can make the cleanest cuts to extract all the cancer and save the patient from unnecessarily lost tissue and healing time.

UAA's University Honors College has invited Dr. Tsien to come give the keynote lecture at the Freshman Convocation on Saturday, August 22. That is a private event for freshman and their families, but Dr. Tsien is also giving a free public lecture that same day at 8 p.m. in the UAA Fine Arts Building Room 150. Please see the full news release on Dr. Tsien and his colorful work.


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