"Cards for the Troops" event a success
by Kathleen McCoy |
Residence Life hosted its first "Cards for the Troops" event on Monday, Dec. 7 in the Gorsuch Commons. The event was a huge success with a large number of students showing their support by writing personal messages and signing cards to be sent to troops overseas and in the hospital. Many students shared stories of family members and friends who are stationed overseas. Students involved in ROTC also showed appreciation for the project, stopping to write messages of support for their fellow service persons.
Students also used it as an opportunity to socialize while releasing some of the stress that finals tend to bring. "Having a cousin who is serving overseas, I know from his letters how lonely it can get. It makes me happy to be able to reach out to our troops and let them know that we're still thinking about them," stated Robert Pope, a dual language major living in West Hall.
The department of Residence Life and the Residence Hall Association are presenting various programs throughout finals week designed to release stress and help students studying for finals.