Faculty Development Contribution Awards nominations due March 15, 2010
by Kathleen McCoy |
Deadline: Monday, March 15
The Office of Academic Affairs, UAA Faculty Senate, Center for Community Engagement and Learning, Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence and the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship are pleased to announce a request for nominations of faculty for three new Faculty Development Awards recognizing contributions to the professional development of faculty by faculty.
Please review the attached information and send your nominations for the following awards:
Faculty Development/ Team Contribution Award
Awards for Faculty Development Contributions by a team of faculty will be a shared
prize of $2,000 in travel or conference funds, a laptop or other comparable purchase.
Faculty Development/Individual Contribution Award
There will be two awards for Faculty Development Contributions by an individual faculty
member. Each award will be $1,000 in travel or conference funds, a laptop or other
comparable purchase.
Please submit your nominations by Monday, March 15 to cafe@uaa.alaska.edu. Click here for additional information.