UAA Environmental Health and Safety has a new face on the Web

by Kathleen McCoy  |   

With the fall semester rapidly approaching and National Safety Month (September) just around the corner, it is appropriate to draw attention to campus safety.

Toward that end, UAA Environmental Health and Safety/Risk Management Support would like to invite you to see their website, which is currently undergoing a facelift. The site -- one of the oldest on the University's system -- was created by Trig Trigiano, EHS/RMS director, back in 1993/1994.  He lovingly tended it for years, populating it with a plethora of health and safety information. It is the place to go for announcements, training resources, policies and procedures, frequently asked questions, forms and templates and much, much more.

The look is new, but the content is still there -- come check it out at

The website names have been preserved so your bookmarks and links should remain fully functional. It is a work in progress; the site will continue to change and new content will also be added. Of course, your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please forward your input, questions, comments, criticisms, suggestions, complaints, etc. to Doug (Molby) Markussen at

Remember, safety is everybody's business.

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