Special opportunity for students: Meet Michael Markovits, Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow Feb. 17

by Kathleen McCoy  |   

Thursday, Feb. 17, 4-5 p.m.
Fireside Cafe

UAA's Office of International Affairs is hosting a special opportunity for students to meet Michael Markovits, the Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow and retired IBM vice president.

Michael Markovits is globally responsible for identifying and developing the leadership pipeline and placement of business and technical leaders at all levels to drive IBM's growth, transformation and performance. Markovits joined IBM in May 2004 as vice president of Global Executive and Organization Capability, overseeing executive staffing, succession planning, executive development and coaching, and leadership and organizational effectiveness consulting for IBM internationally. He has written and spoken on topics related to leadership, the role of technology and distance learning in global corporate training and other organizational development issues. Before coming to IBM, Markovits was at General Electric (GE) for 19 years. He held a successive series of posts in human resources, organizational change and leadership development at GE. Markovits holds a B.A. from Oberlin College and master's degrees from Harvard and MIT in education and management, respectively. In addition to his corporate roles, Markovits has been actively involved in non-profit and social change work focused primarily on issues of peace, reconciliation and ending racism.

Light snacks and refreshments will be provided.

Please indicate your attendance by visiting the following link: http://doodle.com/5brzr259zk6cmtrv <http://doodle.com/5brzr259zk6cmtrv.

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