Free Aviation Safety Seminar, Oct. 1

by Jamie Gonzales  |   

Saturday, Oct. 1, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
UAA Aviation Technology Center, 2811 Merrill Field Drive

The Alaska Aviation Safety Foundation has partnered with UAA Aviation Technology and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to bring you this fall 2011 Aviation Safety Seminar.

The seminar will include presentations from area experts on winter operations; weather tools for pilot decision-making; survival and survivability and engines and airframes in winter.

For those who will be unable to attend in person, we will have a live webinar broadcast. FAA WINGS pilot proficiency credits are available to attendees. This seminar is free. For more information, contact Mark Madden at (907) 786-7216.

About the presenters:

Bart Stone began his aviation career with a 'First Solo' in a J-3 Cub on skis 50 years ago. Today, with ratings in both airplanes and helicopters, with experience on floats, wheels and skis, he is the chief pilot responsible for Training Standards and Operations for the Department of the Interior's Alaska Air Operations. Stone does not look at aviation as a job - you are as likely to find him in his PA-18 Super Cub as a government aircraft - and he still owns the J-3 he originally soloed.

Gary Hufford is the regional scientist for the Alaska region of the National Weather Service. His specialty is the utilization of satellite remote sensing data to determine weather impacts. He also holds an adjunct faculty position at the Aviation Technology Division, University of Alaska Anchorage, where he teaches an advanced weather course to air traffic control majors called "Tools for Weather Forecasting." He is a 35-year resident of Alaska.

Brian Horner is the president and chief instructor of LTR Training Systems - since 1986, LTR has been preparing people to survive in Alaska's arduous environment. LTR courses include initial and refresher programs focused on preparation and skills required to survive aviation accidents or being stranded in remote areas. With a formal 7,000 square foot survival training facility in Anchorage, LTR instructors travel worldwide delivering programs to over 2,000 students each year. More information on LTR is available on their website.

Bob Lutz operates BJ Custom Aircraft Engines from his shop at the Palmer Airport where he has been custom building both engines and airframes since 1986. He previously operated as a commercial air operator with his own FAA Part 135 Air Taxi Certificate. With experience from a lifetime building, operating and maintaining aircraft used in remote areas during Alaskan winters, Bob has unique insights on the maintenance and care of Alaska aircraft in the winter months ahead.


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