Printing issues with some Wolfcards

by Jamie Gonzales  |   

Since an upgrade was performed to the Wolfcard system during the winter break, a number of Wolfcards are having issues at our Pharos Print Release stations in the computer labs. Some cards are reporting as "lost or stolen" and are not working at the print stations. If this happens to you, please come to the Wolfcard Office at the University Center to be issued a new Wolfcard (there is no charge for that replacement).

Also, Wolfcards that have Wolfbucks on them are presently reporting twice the amount that they actually have on them (but they'll only let you spend what you actually have). Engineers are aware of this problem and are working to correct it. We appreciate your patience with these matters, and please call the Wolfcard Office at (907) 786-4695 if you have any questions.

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